Effectiveness of salbutamol vs hypertonic saline nebulisation on breathing pattern among the children Ms. Catherine Lecturer, College of Nursing, PIMS, Puducherry Online published on 12 October, 2017. Abstract A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Salbutamol Vs Hypertonic Saline Nebulisation on breathing pattern among the children with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. Quantitative approach and pre and post with two group research design were used. The posttest mean level of oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiratory pattern in group I and II shows that there is a statistical significance. Individually each method of nebulisation shows significant difference in the post-test than pre-test but salbutamol shows better result compared to Hypertonic saline nebulisation. Top Keywords Group I-Salbutamol and Group II-3% hypertonic saline. Top | |
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