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TNNMC Journal of Nursing Education and Administration
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : ( 4) Last page : ( 6)
Print ISSN : 2322-0295.

Effect of snake and ladder game on knowledge regarding personal hygiene among school children

Ms. Devi C Kamala1, Dr. Nirmala T2, Mrs. Suganthi A3

1 M. Sc (N) II Year, Sri Ramakrishna College of Nursing, Coimbatore

2 Principal, Sri Ramakrishna College of Nursing, Coimbatore

3 Prof., Sri Ramakrishna College of Nursing, Coimbatore

Online published on 12 October, 2017.


The pre-experimental (one group pretest, posttest) research design was adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of snake and ladder game. Forty five samples were selected using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The mean knowledge score before and after education regarding personal hygiene was 13.68 & 33.31. Standard deviation was 5.61 & 6.62 respectively with a mean difference of 19.63. The calculated't ’value 14.84, was greater than the table value 0.001 level of significance and It was concluded that snake and ladder game was effective in enhancing the knowledge regarding personal hygiene among school children.



Snake and ladder, personal hygiene, school children.


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