Knowledge and Attitude of Organ Donation Among B. Sc Nursing Students Mr. Sudhakar A.1 1Associate Professor, Vivekananda College of Nursing, Lucknow Online published on 5 January, 2017. Abstract A quantitative, descriptive study was selected to assess the level of knowledge and attitude on organ donation. Sixty B. Sc (N)Students were selected through non probability convenience sampling technique. A semi-structured self administered questionnaire, consisting three parts: demographic variables, questionnaire on organ donation and Likert Attitude scale was used. The results revealed that 58.4% of the samples had average knowledge on organ donation and 91.7% of them had positive attitude on organ donation. This study created awareness about importance of organ donation among nursing students. Top Keywords Organ Donation, Knowledge, Attitude and B. Sc Nursing students. Top | |
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