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Guidelines To Authors

The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council invites manuscripts relevant to Paediatric Nursing, Communication with reference to articles should be mailed to JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC NURSING Email Id: tncjpn@gmail.com

Declaration: Each article should be accompanied with a declaration by all the authors that, they are the authors of the article in the order, which has been listed in the manuscript. And also declare that the article is original, has not been published, and also has not been sent for publication elsewhere. If concept article, a copy of permission obtained from the respective copyright holder needs to be enclosed.

Manuscript Submission: The authors should submit the articles only through email in the respective Email Id's as given above.

Manuscript Preparation:

  • Title Page: This includes the title of article (only a short title should be written and not the same as statement of the problem), name(s) of the author(s) should be listed in order of authorship with declaration from all authors, contact number, institutional affiliation and email ID.
  • Abstract: The abstract should be written in paragraph without any subheadings as objectives, methods, discussion and conclusion separately. The word count is between 75 to 100 words, Arial font and size 10. Key words should be written in Italics
  • Content: (Font size 14 for side heading and 12 for body of the content in Times new Roman font and should be double spaced. The content should be given in 6-8 pages (A4 paper) with one inch margin on all four sides).
  • Introduction
  • Statement of Problem
  • Objectives – use bullets instead of numbers
  • Hypothesis - use bullets instead of numbers
  • Research Methodology – The methodology used for conducting the study should be written along with the population, sampling, setting, tools for data collection and intervention, data collection procedure, ethical considerations and if required a flow chart can also be given. The above information should be written only in paragraph and not as subheadings.
  • Results and Discussion – The findings can be presented textually and discussed along with tables or figures, however it should have clarity.
  • Conclusion – The final remarks of the author/authors can be written highlighting the findings of the study.
  • References - APA style referencing to be followed, accuracy of the reference and referencing style to be followed strictly by the authors. Authors to refer the Web for the latest APA format. A maximum of 8 references based on the content submitted can be acceptable.
  • For Review Articles the format depends on the type of article chosen.

4. Copyright: The author owns the copyright of the article until the article is accepted by the Journal for publication. After the acceptance of publication, the copyright of the article is owned by the “Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai” and should not be reproduced elsewhere without the written permission of the Editor and the Authors of the article.

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