Assess the knowledge on integrated management of neonatal and childhoodillness among multipurpose health workersat selected area Kanimozhi N Lecturer, SNS College of Nursing, Coimbatore Online published on 4 January, 2025. Abstract IMNCI developed by WHO in collaboration with UNICEF and many other agencies in 1992. IMNCI is a curative, preventive and promotive strategy aimed at reducing the deaths and frequency and severity of illness. Quantitative approach (Non experimental research design) was used in this study. Accessible population is MLHP workers, about 40 persons participated. Non-Probability Convenience sampling technique was used. At the end of the study 13.4% had Above Average Knowledge, 53.3% had Average knowledge and 33.3% had below Average knowledge. Top Keywords IMNCI, MLHP students. Top | | | |
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