Effectiveness of teaching programme on knowledge regarding tuberculosis among B.Sc nursing students at selected college, Kanchipuram Lakshmi A.1, Kaviya J.2, Abirami G.2 1Associate Professor, Sankara College of Nursing, Kanchipuram 2Nursing Tutor, Sankara College of Nursing, Kanchipuram Online published on 4 January, 2025. Abstract A higher prevalence of TB was detected in the elderly, males, the malnourished, smokers, alcohol use and known diabetic patients. The prevalence of TB infection among population aged ≤15 yrs. was 31.4 per cent. The study aims at assessing the knowledge of students regarding tuberculosis to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching programme on knowledge regarding tuberculosis. A quantitative pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test research design was used. 60 B. Sc Nursing students were selected by convenience sampling. There was a significant difference between pretest and posttest knowledge. Top Keywords Effectiveness, Knowledge, Tuberculosis, Nursing students. Top |