Effectiveness of soya milk upon menopausal symptoms Ms. Bemi G. Lourds, M. Sc (N) II year, Dr. Venkatesan Latha, Principal, Mrs. Shobana G., Professor Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai Online published on 23 May, 2017. Abstract A experimental study was conducted among 60 samples to assess the effectiveness of Soya milk upon Menopausal symptoms among Menopausal women in selected wards of Thiruverkadu Township. Survey method was used to assess the prevalence of menopause and following this menopausal symptoms were assessed in control and experimental group using rating scale. Menopausal women in the experimental group were administered (house to house) 100 ml of soya milk in midmorning daily for 4 weeks. At the end of 4 weeks symptoms were assessed for both control and experimental group by using rating scale. The level of satisfaction on administration of soya milk was also assessed by using the rating scale in the experimental group. The results revealed that there was a significant reduction of physiological and psychological symptoms in experimental group after soya milk administration which can be attributed to the effectiveness of soya milk. Top Keywords Menopause, Soya milk. Top | |
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