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TNNMC Journal of Community Health Nursing
Year : 2013, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 7) Last page : ( 9)
Print ISSN : 2322-0244. Online ISSN : 2456-6969.

Effectiveness of community based nursing intervention strategies on alcohol dependence and quality of life among alcoholics in selected rural communities

Mr. Selvam Dinesh, PhD Scholar, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Revathy, Research Guide, Dr. Kanchana S., Co-guide & Principal

Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Chennai

Online published on 23 May, 2017.


Alcohol consumption has been identified as a risk factor for many health, social and economic problems of communities. 62.5 million have been estimated as alcohol users in India. The objectives of the study were to assess the effectiveness of community based nursing intervention strategies on level of alcohol dependence and quality of life among alcoholics. A pre-experimental-One group pretest and posttest design was used.


30 clinically proved alcoholics fulfilling the inclusion criteria were considered as samples. Community based nursing intervention strategies were provided for the participants. SADQ (severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire) was used to assess the level of dependence and WHO QoL (Quality of Life) questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life among alcoholics.


The overall mean difference score for level of dependence and quality of life was significant showing the effectiveness of the community based nursing intervention strategies.



Level of dependence, Quality of life, Alcoholics, Community based nursing intervention strategies.


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