Analysis of Literacy among Sub-Divisions of Karauli District, Rajasthan Sharma Manoj1,*, Sharma Manju2 1Research Scholar, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens’ University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Director, Faculty of Education & Methodology, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens’ University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India *Corresponding author:
Online Published on 29 July, 2023. Abstract Literacy is an important component of human life. It helps in social and economic progress along with personality development of human (Yadav, 2021). Achieving literacy is a fundamental right of every woman and man (Chauhan and Khan, 2019). Literacy is a human right in itself which is helpful in achieving other human rights just as right to education helps in eradicating illiteracy. It is a rights-based approach but must be understood on the basis of inclusive principles essential to human development (Reed Trust). Even after many systems, laws, and resources are available for literacy, there is a huge difference in female-male literacy (Katiyar, 2016). According to the 2011 demographic data, the national literacy rate is 73 percent, in which the male literacy rate is 80.90 percent and the female literacy rate is 64.60 percent. This difference between male and female literacy rate is a matter of serious concern. In the context of Rajasthan, the total rate of literacy is 66.11 percent. On the basis of gender, this rate is 79.19 percent for men and 52.12 percent for women, which is much less than the national literacy rate of women (Directorate of Literacy and Continuing Education, Government of Rajasthan). Similarly, the female literacy rate for the study area Karauli district is 48.61 percent respectively, which is very less than the national and state female literacy rate. These figures of literacy are troubling all the development efforts being made by the state government to awaken interest in education among girl students and women. In this research paper, efforts have been made to know the status of female literacy in the sub-division of Karauli district and to find out the reasons for the decrease in female literacy rate and the efforts being made by the government. The condition of female education in Rajasthan has not been good since the beginning (Saigal and Srivastava, 2021). Old beliefs, lack of infrastructure, policy of discrimination between boys and girls and to some extent geographical reasons are also the reasons for lack of female literacy. Top Keywords Literacy, Literacy Rate, Gender Differences, Education Schemes. Top |