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Year : 2021, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 123) Last page : ( 128)
Print ISSN : 2231-4105. Online ISSN : 2249-5223. Published online : 2021 December 4.
Article DOI : 10.30954/2231-4105.02.2021.8

Bharat Ratna Madan Mohan Malviya: A Visionary Educationist

Pandey Parth Sarthi*

Head & Dean, Faculty of Education, NGBU (Deemed to be University), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author: parthsarthi1974@gmail.com

Online Published on 4 October, 2022.

Received:  02  October,  2021; :  27  November,  2021; Accepted:  09  December,  2021.


Malaviya initially formulated the objective of this University is to promote the study of Hindu Shastras and of Sanskrit literature generally as a means of preserving and popularizing for the benefit of Hindus in particular and of the world at large in general, the best thought and culture of the Hindus, and all that was good and great in the ancient civilization of India. According to him, the objective of higher education should be: To promote learning and research generally in Arts and Science in all branches, To advance and diffuse such scientific, technical and professional knowledge, combined with the necessary practical training as is best calculated to help in promoting indigenous industries and in developing the material resources of the country and to promote the building of the character in youth by religion and ethics as an integral part of education. The vision of Mahamana so farsighted that he knew the basic problems of higher education as well as of the student. He knew the problem of his time for what we are crying today. The problem of the unemployment and qualitative higher education is of greater concern today. Yet we are search for the solution. But at that time of Mahamana the sources of the study were to be so fixed that a student of average intelligence: taught on the modern methods may become skilled in some art of producing wealth: and versed in the principle upon which it is based.



Malaviya, Shastras, Mahamana, Learning.


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