A Study of Problems Faced by the Teachers and Students in Online Teaching-Learning at Upper Primary Level Kumar Ajeet1,*, Tripathi Deepak Kumar2 1Research Scholar, Nehru Gram Bharati (Deemed to be), University Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India 2Assistant Professor (Department of Special Education), Nehru Gram Bharati (Deemed to be), University Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India *Corresponding author: ajeetkumarklid@gmail.com
Online Published on 4 October, 2022. Abstract In today’s world of education, everyone is getting educated because education is now reaching every house. Due to the influence of technology, education is easily accessible to all. Now education has become more and more online. But still there is a lot of technical problem in the education sector. Technical problem has become a problem not only in the students but also in the teachers. In online teaching-learning, students and teachers have the following problems, such as technical problems, problems related to e-content, problems related to teaching aids and problems of mental stress. Although online instruction has many potential benefits, technical difficulties are one drawback to the increased use of this medium. In this research paper will be used statistics- self- made statement for data collection, hypothesis, data analysis, etc. therefore, finding Contribute to our theoretical understanding of the online teaching-learning. Top Keywords Education, Problems, Teaching-learning, Mental stress. Top |