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  1. Manuscripts should be typed in English and should be submitted along with an abstract not more than 250 words. The length of a paper including tables, diagrams, illustrations etc. should be between 4000 to 6000 words. Papers/ articles should be original and unpublished contribution. Paper should be accompanied by a declaration that the material is original, has not been published elsewhere in part or full and the same has not been submitted for publication in any other book or journal or elsewhere. Electronic copy must be sent to the following E-mail addresses: shireeshsingh1982@gmail.com<, kldangwal@yahoo.co.in<, ndpublishers@rediffmail.com<. Articles must be in MS-Word in Times New Roman with font size 12. Articles/ papers not accepted for publication will not be returned.

  2. Short communication to review articles, report of conferences, summary or views on government reports, debatable issues etc. are also published.

  3. Authors/ Publishers are also welcome to send books or book review to the Editor/ Managing Editor for the publication in the journal.

  4. The paper once submitted to this journal should not be resubmitted simultaneously to other journals of else when for consideration.

  5. All papers submitted to the journal will be the property of, New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi.

  6. To ensure anonymity, the author's name, designation, affiliation, official and residential address and other details about author should only appear on the first page along with the title of the paper, second page should start with the title of paper, followed by text.

  7. Footnotes in the text should be numbered consecutively in plain Arabic superscripts. All the footnotes, if any, should be typed under the heading 'Footnotes' at the end of the paper immediately after 'Conclusion'.

  8. Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and should be given at the end of the text in the following format:

A Book

  1. Agarwal, J.C. 1997. Essentials of Examination System: Evaluation, Test and Measurement. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.

  2. Bzoch, K.R. and Richard, L. 1971. Assessing Language Skills in Infancy. University Park Press, Baltimore.

  3. Tishman, S., Perkins, D.N. and Jay, E. 1994. The Thinking Classroom: Learning and Teaching in a Culture of Thinking. Allyn and Bacon, Bostan

A Book with more than three authors

Katzer, J., Morris, L.L., et al. 1978 How to Measure Attitudes. Sage Publications, London.

An Edited Book

Barrett, T.C. (ed) 1969 Perspectives in Reading: The Evaluation of Children's Reading Achievement. International Reading Association, Newark, Delaware.

An article from a Professional Journal

Mukherjee, M. 1973 Parental personality and Adolescents maladjustment. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 15(1): 29-31

Electronic Resources

Matlock, S.H. 1997 “Basic concepts in Item and Test Analysis”, Retrieved: October 31, 2002, from http://www.ericae.net/ft/tamu/espy.htm

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