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Editorial Board


Kiran Lata Dangwal, PhD
    Department of Education
    University of Lucknow
    Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Chief Executive Editor

Shireesh Pal Singh, PhD
    Department of Education
    Goverment Degree College
    Nanauta, Saharapur,
    Uttar Pradesh, India
    Email: shireeshsingh1982@gmail.com


Prof. B. K. Passi
    Formerly, UNESCO CHAIR
    Email: b_k_passi@yahoo.com

Academic Advisory Board

M C Sharma, Ph.D
    School of Education, IGNOU, New Delhi
    Email: mcsharma@ignou.ac.in

Anil Kumar, Ph.D
    National Institute of Technical Teachers Training &
    Research (NITTTR)
    Symla Hills, Bhopal
    Email : akumar_tttibho@hotmail.com

Mark A. Minott, Ph.D
    University College of the Cayman Islands
    P.O. Box 702, Cayman Islands,KY1-1107
    Email: MMinott@ucci.edu.ky

Amit Kauts, Ph.D
    Former Dean,Guru Nank Dev University and
    Principal M.G.N College of Education,
    Adarsh Nagar, Jalandhar
    Email: amitkauts@yahoo.com

Peter Van Petegem
    Universiteit Antwerpen, Instituut voor Onderwijsen
    Venusstraat, Antwerpen, Belgium
    Personal page www.ua.ac.be/peter.vanpetegem

Editorial Board

Samson Olusola Olatunji
    Lead City University,
    Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria
    Email: samsholat@gmail.com

D K Singh, Ph.D
    Department of Social Work
    University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India
    Email: dklu65@yahoo.co.in

L.N. Pandey, Ph.D
    Asst Professor, Govt. College of Teacher Education,
    Rewa, M.P, India
    Email: drlnpandey@rediffmail.com

Mitima Sachdeva
    Amity Institute of Education,
    Amity University, Lucknow, India
    Email: mitima.sachdeva116@gmail.com

Saroj Yadav, Ph.D
    Department of Education
    CSJM University, Kanpur, India
    Email: sarojbobby@indiatimes.com

Obododimma Oha
    Department of English, Faculty of Arts
    University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    Email: obodooha@gmail.com

Vijay Jaiswal, Ph.D
    Department of Education
    CSJM University, Kanpur, India
    Email: vijay_jaiswal1@indiatimes.com

Sudeshna Lahiri, Ph.D
    Department of Education
    University of Calcutta
    Alipore Campus, Kolkata, India
    Email: sudeshna.lahiri@gmail.com

Lalima, Ph.D
    Heralal Yadav Balika Degree College
    Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,India
    Email: ltripathi.hlygdc@gmail.com

Habibullah Shah
    Directorate of Distance Education,
    University of Kashmir, Srinagar,India
    Email: habibkashmiruniversity@gmail.com

Hrushikesh Senapaty, Ph.D
    Department of Education & I/c Computer
    Application Centre
    Regional Institute of Education, NCERT
    Bhubaneswar, Orissa, INDIA

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