Mini-straw culture system-a novel method for buffalo oocytes culture Abd-Allah Saber Mohamed Department of Theriogenology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt Corresponding author: abd-allah@vetsurgeon.org
Online published on 22 December, 2011. Abstract To improve the efficiency and efficacy of development of buffalo oocytes, we developed a new method termed mini-straw ‘MS’ culture system. A novel system of in vitro culture termed the mini-straw culture system is described, mini-straw (French mini-straw, 12.5 cm Length and 0.25 mm capacity) containing 200 µl of maturation medium carrying 8–10 oocytes in the center of straw covered with sterilized mineral oil (20 ul) at the end of straw and sealed eclectically. The main purpose of this study was to compare the maturation rate of buffalo oocytes in mini-straw and culture dish. Buffalo COCs were cultured in maturation medium (TCM-199 supplemented with 10% FCS) for 24 h while loaded randomly in groups of 5–10 into mini-straw or four-well culture plate. The results indicated that mini-straw culture system supported the development of significantly more (p<0.05) matured oocytes than did a standard Petri-dish control culture (90 vs. 68.7%, respectively) and the results also showed that the proportion of full expansion of cumulus cells of COCs cultured in mini-straw system significantly increased (p<0.05) than those cultured in Petri dish (37 vs. 9.3%, respectively) so the maturation rate and the quality of mature oocytes were affected by type of culture systems (P>0.05). In conclusion, this study shows that the ‘MS’ culture system represents an inexpensive alternative to the culture plate for culture of buffalo oocytes. Top Keywords Mini-Straw, Culture system, In Vitro Maturation, Buffalo. Top | |
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