Encouraging Attributes in Adoption of Pomegranate Cultivation Practices by the Pomegranate Growers” Dhandhukia R. D.1, Prajapati M. R.1, Deshpande A.R.2,*, Patel J. R.1 1Dept. Extension Education, C.P.C.A, S. D. A. U, S.K. Nagar, Gujarat 2Dept. Extension Educaton, N. M. C. A, N. A. U, Navsari, Gujarat *Email: agrianiket@rediffmail.com
Online published on 24 December, 2014. Abstract The results revealed that majority of the pomegranate growers were middle aged and educated up to primary level. The occupation of majority respondents was farming plus animal husbandry, cultivating medium land holding and most of them were having participation in one organization. With regard to different psychological characteristics, viz., knowledge, risk preference, economic motivation and scientific orientation, majority of them were found in medium category. Whereas, regarding attitude majority of the respondents were found having highly favourable attitude towards pomegranate cultivation. Most of the respondents had used progressive farmers as their source of information. About two-third respondents were found having medium level of adoption of recommended pomegranate cultivation practices and most of them had adopted improved variety, bahar treatment, harvesting and planting practices. Top Keywords Adoption, Pomegranate, Adoption Quotient, Growers, Practices. Top |