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Trends in Biosciences
Year : 2014, Volume : 7, Issue : 5
First page : ( 396) Last page : ( 399)
Print ISSN : 0974-8431. Online ISSN : 0976-2485.

Effect of Nitrogen, Rhizobium and PSB on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum)- Yield and Quality

Singh Vijay Kumar, Singh R.P., Rai Kedar Nath*

Department of Soil Science, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad-224229 (U.P.)

*Email: knrai83@gmail.com

Online published on 24 December, 2014.


The study was carried out at instructional farm, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.) during two consecutive rabi season of 2011–12 and 2012–13 to determine the effect of microbial inoculants (Rhizobium CAT 4059, Rhizobium CAT 5078, PSB) and nitrogen levels (0, 10, 20, 30 kg ha−1) on yield and quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Nitrogen application had significant effect on the seed yield, straw yield, nitrogen content and protein content ingrain andstrawduring both the years. Inoculation of Rhizobium strain CAT 5078 had also significant effect on the seed yield, straw yield, nitrogen and protein content in grain and straw during both the years. The highest seed and straw yield was obtained with 20 kg N ha−1 + inoculation of Rhizobium CAT 5078 during 2011–2012 and in 2012–2013. The highest nitrogen content in grain was obtained under treatment 30 kg N ha−1 + inoculation of Rhizobium CAT 5078 during 2011–2012 as well as in 2012–2013.





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