Influence of Harvesting Techniques on Seed Yield and Quality of Under Using Medicinal Plant Babchi (Psoralea corylifolia L.) Sumathi S.*, Srimathi P. Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641 003, Tamil Nadu, India *Email: sumathiseeds@gmail.com
Online published on 24 December, 2014. Abstract The experiment was conducted to identify the suitable harvesting techniques to obtain maximum seed yield with quality in babchi. The pods were harvested in two methods viz., sequential harvest and once over harvest. The yield and quality characters highlighted that the productivity of the crop was higher in sequential harvest i.e. the pods in 3 different pickings. Pods harvested as pickings recorded the maximum yield of 2557 kg/ha and expressed superiority in seed quality characters, where the germination was 43 per cent, it was 3 per cent higher than once over harvest. Among the pickings, the seed quality characters like germination (44%) and vigour index (889) were maximum in earlier picking and minimum in later picking. Top Keywords Babchi, pickings, once over harvest, yield and quality. Top | |
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