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Guidelines to Authors

SKUAST Journal of Research is a quarterly journal that promptly publishes original research papers and short communications related to Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Veterinary Sciences, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Sericulture and allied fields. Reviews of paramount importance are also considered in SKUAST Journal of Research

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts including illustration can be submitted through email at chiefeditor-sjr@skuastkashmir.ac.in or soft copy of the same can be submitted to the office of Editor-in-Chief, SKUAST Journal of Research, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar - 190 025 (Jammu and Kashmir), India. Manuscripts should be concise and not exceed ten printed pages or 4000 words of the Journal in case of full length paper and four printed pages or 2500 words in case of short communications. The responsibility for statements, whether of fact or opinion lies entirely on the authors thereof.

Submission of a manuscript implies that the:

i) Work described has neither been published before (except in the form of abstract or as a part of lecture or thesis) nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

ii) Authors have approved the publication, and responsible authorities at the institute where the work was conducted have granted permission for its publication. Corresponding author shall be responsible for producing and submitting the genuine certificate.

iii) Manuscript, if and when is accepted for publication, the authors agree to transfer the copyright automatically to the publisher.

iv) Manuscript including tables, figures, or any other part thereof will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holder.

v) Authors have obtained written permission for any materials used from other copyrighted sources, and any costs associated with obtaining this permission will be the sole responsibility of the authors.

vi) Author line of the manuscript will not be changed after first submission, as the same will be strictly checked by Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

The manuscript submitted for publication should invariably be accompanied by a certificate from authors reflecting the above points. The manuscript without above certificate will not be published in the journal.

Review Process

All manuscripts will undergo a double blind review process by qualified reviewers from the concerned field, besides shall be approved by the editorial board before publication.

Format of The Paper

Manuscript should be written in English (Times New Roman) and may be organized neatly, typed in single space on A4 size paper. Separate files for photographs/ plates/ figures/ diagrams in JPEG and tables in MS word should be provided with the manuscript.

Title: The title should be short, specific and informative, typed in sentence case (only first letter of the first word should be capitalized) and Latin names italicized. A short title, not exceeding 35 letters, should be typed at the top of the first page.

Authors: The names of authors should be in small letters (capitalize each first word) without any mention of degree, title, etc.

Address: Address of the institution where the work was carried out may be given first followed by the present address (if required). Contact details (email address, name of the department, mobile number) of the corresponding author may also be given.

Each full length paper should be divided into the main headings in following order.

Abstract: A brief abstract, not exceeding 250 words, containing one line objective, summary of findings and conclusions of the study should be typed after address in one paragraph.

Key words: Not more than six key words indicating the contents of research may be given in alphabetical order after abstract.

Introduction: It should be brief and limited to the statement of problem with brief review of the literature pertinent to the work and the objectives of the study.

Materials and Methods: It should include relevant details on the nature of material, experimental design, the techniques employed and the statistical methods used. For well-known methods, citation of reference is sufficient.

Results and Discussion: Results and discussion should be combined to avoid any repetition. It should include the important findings discussed briefly with relevant literature support or reasoning. State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper. Acknowledgment should mention only guidance or assistance received in real terms, and financial grant provided by any agency.

References: Text citation as well as listing of references should be given at the end of the article. In running text, the reference citation may be mentioned as Khan (1980), Khan and Ahmad (1980) and Khan et al. (1980) in case of one, two and more than two authors, respectively. Listing of the references should be done in alphabetical order. Author names to be written in normal sequence with surname followed by initials and followed by year of publication. This should be followed by the title of article in sentence case (first letter of the first word should be capitalized only) and journal name in full form with italic font, volume (should be bold and followed by colon) and page number of the journal. In case of book reference, author(s) and year of publication be followed by the book title (in expanded form in first capital), publisher, city and country. Volume or part of serialized books may be given after the title of the paper, followed by a colon and page numbers. This may be followed by the name of the publisher, city and country where from the book/ serial has been published. Text of the references may be given in the same alignment (with further indentation of second line onward). The examples of mentioning of the references are given as under:

Dar, G.H. 1995. Effect of heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Ni and Pb) on soil microbial biomass carbon mineralization and enzyme activities. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 21: 87-95.

Parry, D.A., Molina, R. and Amaranthus, M.P. 1987. Mycorrhizae, mycorrhizosphere and reforestation: Current knowledge and research needs. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 17: 929-940.

Jhingran, V.A. 1975. Fish and Fisheries of India. Hindustan Publication, New Delhi, India, p 203.

Nayayan, N.S. and Madhyashta, M.N. 1985. Heavy metal pollution in India - A review, pp. 272-284. In: Current Pollution Research in India (Eds. R.K. Trivedi and P.K. Goel), Environmental Publications, Karad, India.

Nomenclature: Generic and species names should be italicized and the first mention of any generic/species name should be accompanied by the authority.

Table: Tables should be typed on separate sheets, each with a heading, stating its contents clearly and concisely. All weights and measures should be in standard international units. Tables should be typed with only first letter capital. Table number be mentioned in Arabic numerical.

Figures: Only good quality figures that are essential to clear understanding of the paper shall be accepted. The information in illustrations should not be repeated in tables and vice versa. The figures and illustrations with legends should be of good quality (no online screen prints will be accepted). Original art work (at least one set)/ photographs must accompany the paper.

Please observe the following criteria:

a) Include the text file and separate table and illustration files, if available.

b) The file should follow the general instructions on style/ arrangement and, in particular, the references style of this journal as given in the “instructions to the authors”.

c) The file should be single spaced and should use the wrap-around end-of-line feature i.e. no returns at the end of each line. All textural elements should begin flush left. Place two returns after every element such as title heading, paragraphs, figures and table call-outs.

d) Keep a back-up disk for reference and safety.

Proof: The galley proofs of the accepted paper must be returned to the Editorial office through mail or soft copy in case of any network issue within the shortest possible time not exceeding two days, if so, the same article will be published in the next issue of that current year.

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