Information Communication Technology (ICT) Enable Services Adoption by SMEs for Business Sustainability: A Study from Bangladesh Perspective Arefin S.*, Rahman M. Towfiqur** *Assistant professor, Department of International Business, University of Dhaka, **EMBA student, Department of International Business, University of Dhaka JEL Classification: D24, L67, L25, O14, O17 Online published on 08 December, 2021. Abstract With the development of technologies, businesses are adopting technologies to enhance their sustainability through increasing competitiveness, profitability, efficiency, effectiveness by offering customized products. Although the large industries can adopt and implement those immediately, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) might face difficulties due to having shortage of capital, limited expertise and supports. However, it is necessary for the SMEs to adopt ICT tools and techniques for their sustainability. The objective of the study was to identify which types of ICT tools at different levels by Bangladeshi SMEs were adopting in their business process. lt was industry specific study to find out the differences in using ICT tools among different SME sectors of Bangladesh and the perceived benefits and hurdles for adopting those. As SMEs comprise major portion of economy of Bangladesh, their adoption level of technology might provide a clear insight for the country to be prepared for adopting the Fourth lndustrial Revolution(4IR). Study found that the ICT tools are now available and affordable by local and international software developers for SMEs than before. The result showed that adopting software (ICT tools) could business processes more effectively and efficiently. Finding the gap between available products and utilized products might be helpful for both the local software product developers and the business entities to find out the combined solutions set by the SMEs. Therefore, the outcome of this research might help the government to formulate policies for supporting the SMEs to be aware of adopting different software for their successful business development. Top Keywords Business Sustainability, SMEs, ICT tools, 4IR Government policies, Business Development. Top |