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Sumedha Journal Of Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 4
First page : ( 62) Last page : ( 73)
Print ISSN : 2277-6753.

Impact of FDI on Retailing: A Multi Dimensional Approach

Mrs. Vemaraju Sudha

(M.B.A, M.Phil,(Ph.D)), Research Scholar, J.N.T.U.H, Mail id: diwan.sudha@gmail.com, Ph No: 9000462678

Online published on 17 August, 2013.


The waves of changes in Indian Retail Sector over the past has resulted in many issues and challenges for the retail industry, the very recent being the FDI policy in India. The retail industry is expected to grow at a rate of 14% by 2013. According to the McKinsey report (2010) titled ‘The Bird of Gold’, the rise of India's consumer market shows that by 2025, India would be the world's fifth largest consumer market, with the middle class comprising 41% of India's population at a staggering 583 million people, controlling 59% of India's consumption power. According to AT Kearney 2011 India has been rated as the favourite retail destination for global players. A customer centric revolution has been transforming the ways retailers (organized & unorganized) are thinking and re-designing strategies and added to this the debate on cards is allowing FDI in multi-brand retailing in India became important viewpoint from customers, retailers and economy as a whole. In this context the present paper throws light on analyzing the impact of FDI policy in three critical areas like:

  • Customers perceptions on Impact of FDI in retailing.

  • Impact of FDI on retailers(organized & unorganized).

  • Impact of FDI on economy.



Foreign direct investment, Multi-brand retailing, customers, Organized & Unorganized retailers.


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