Performance Management System in a Manufacturing Company -A Study from Employee Perspective Panda Sitansu Associate Professor (HRM), Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Kompally, Secunderabad – 500014. Email: sitansupanda.ssim@gmail.com, M: 95-9912039510 Online published on 17 August, 2013. Abstract The importance and issues involved in Performance Management System is highlighted. In this article, the four aspects as performance planning, performance appraisal, performance managing and performance monitoring and their relationship with the PMS of the company has been explored. Different components of Organizational Effectiveness (OE) have been studied and its relationship with PMS has been studied. Finally, some tentative measures have been suggested for strengthening the PMS to have a better result in future. This anonymous study has been conducted in a manufacturing company. Top Keywords Performance Management System (PMS), Organizational Effectiveness (OE). Top | |
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