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Sumedha Journal Of Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 3
First page : ( 69) Last page : ( 83)
Print ISSN : 2277-6753.

A Study on Hierarchical Relationship between Brand Equity Dimensions of Selected FMCG Product

Mr. Karupannan A., Assistant Professor, Dr. Vijayakumar M., Associate Professor

Department of MBA, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu

Online published on 17 August, 2013.


Branding and brand equity have been the focus of marketing research for many years. Brands play a key role in engaging the consumer and the manufacturer in a long term consumer-brand relationship. Two broad philosophical approaches to defining brand equity exist in marketing literature: financial perspective and consumer perspective. Brand Equity dimensions are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand image, and brand loyalty, which are most researched and cited in the literature. This paper empirically tests the hierarchical nature of brand equity dimensions in contributing to brand equity for fast moving consumer goods. The study first briefly reviews the literature on brand equity, constructs research model and generate research hypotheses that explains the hierarchical relationship among the brand equity dimensions. It then empirically tests the model and presents the results. On considering the hierarchical relationship, perceived quality and brand associations are found to be the major contributors towards brand equity followed by brand awareness and brand image. Brand loyalty is found to be comparatively less significant in determining brand equity. In the present study, Sensodyne, a toothpaste brand was used to understand and find the effect of brand equity on its dimensions. Population of this study is the FMCG users within the Cochin city. The population size is indefinite. Sample size for this study is 150 consumers. Convenient sampling method is used in the study as the sampling method. The methods used in data analysis are including descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis. It also employees independent sample t-test and ANOVA to find significance of age and gender in determining opinion about brand equity dimensions. Descriptive analysis is used to summarize the characteristic of respondents. Finally, multiple regression analysis is applied to determine whether brand equity dimensions affect on brand equity and interrelationship between brand equity dimensions.



Brand image, Perceived quality, Brand associations, Brand loyalty, Brand awareness.


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