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Sumedha Journal Of Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 3
First page : ( 16) Last page : ( 27)
Print ISSN : 2277-6753.

Passengers’ Preference: A Comparatives Study between Nagaland State Transport and Other Bus Services

Dr. Patikar Gautam

Assistant professor, Department of Commerce, Nagaland university, Kohima Campus, Kohima

Online published on 17 August, 2013.


The transport need of the state has to be assessed not merely in terms of economic returns. The method i.e. ascertaining the preference and satisfaction of the customers is more appropriate in the case of public utility services like transportation. The opinion of the different groups of passengers varies according to their experiences, perceptions, family and social background.

In Nagaland passengers do have the opportunity to use the services of both private and public buses (NST). Therefore, a comparative study between these two bus services becomes important. Accordingly the socio-economic factors influencing the passengers’ preference of the respondents have been studied. A field survey was conducted through out the state by administering questionnaire to 400 sample respondents.

The study revealed that majority of the sample respondents prefer private buses to NST buses. Important reasons for passengers’ preference between NST and private buses have been highlighted in the study as well.



commuters, preference, satisfaction, quality, score, private.


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