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Editorial Board

Prof. Mohd Akbar Ali Khan
    Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Telangana University,

Prof. Ramesh Bhat
    Former Professor of Finance at the Indian Institute of Management,
    Ahmedabad & Consultant ministry of HRD,
    Government of India, Delhi.

Dr S Gurusamy
    Professor & Head, Department of Commerce,
    University of Madras Chennai

Dr. G.Y. Shitole
    Prof.& Head, Dept. of Commerce,
    SNDT Women's University, Mumbai

Dr. Sudershan Kuntluru
    Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode,

Prof. Ranjan K. Bal
    Dept, of commerce, Utkal University,
    Bhuvaneshwar, Odisha.

Dr. Mohammed Jahangir Ali
    Head & Associate Professor, AL Buriami University College,

Prof. T.L.N Swamy
    Principal, Nizam College,
    Osmania University.

Dr. P T Choudhary
    Executive Vice President, All India commerce Association & Head,
    Dept of commerce, M J College, Jalgaon.

Prof. Ramadhandra Aryasri
    Director & Professor of Managment Studies,
    JNTU Hyderabad., A.P

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