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Guidelines for Authors

Original contributions in the form of articles, case studies in the areas covered by the magazine are invited from practising librarians, information scientists and academicians. The contributions should invariably focus on the results of research, reports of significant developments in working practice and discussions which are of concern to the library and information profession.

  1. Original articles within the scope and objectives of the Journal should be submitted, in their final form, to The Editor, SRELS Journal of Information Management, 702, ‘Upstairs’, 42nd Cross, III Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010, INDIA. Potential authors may, however, approach the Editor informally for advice on the suitability of a topic in advance to submission.

  2. All papers submitted will be refereed. They must be written to a high standard of English. If referees require a revision or alteration to an otherwise acceptable manuscript, the authors will be responsible for any retyping. Typescripts which have been accepted for publication become the property of the publisher.

  3. The original typescript in duplicate should be submitted on A4 or similar size paper, with a double spaced typing on one side of the paper and a wide margin of atleast 50mm on the left. Pages should be numbered consecutively. Authors are encouraged to submit papers in machine readable form wherever possible. This should be as unformatted text file on a 3½ inch IBM compatible floppy disk or CD together with the printed version of the text. Paper should be in between 4000 and 8000 words in length (l5KB–30KB).

  4. A complete typescript should include in the following order:



    As short possible.



    Name with initials & E-mail ID



    Position, Department, Affiliation, Full postal address.



    Approximately 100 words, maximum 150 words.



    Describing the contents of the article.

  5. Any tables or illustrations should be given on separate sheets with the location noted on the text. Half-tone illustrations are to be restricted to the minimum necessary. Line drawings should be originals and include all relevant details; no photocopies should be sent. Photographs should be enlarged sufficiently to permit clear reporduction in half-tone. If words or numbers are to appear on a photograph, two prints should be sent, the lettering being clearly indicated on one print only. Drawings etc., should be clear and open, and sufficiently large to permit necessary reduction in size.

  6. References to published literature should be quoted in the text by numbers in square brackets. References should be listed together at the end of the papers in numerical order.

  7. Full reference should include all authors' names and initials, title of paper, title of publication (underlined), volume and issue number (of a journal), year, publisher and form (books, conference proceedings), page number.

  8. Tables should be numbered consecutively and in order to save space, they should not repeat data which are available elsewhere in the paper, e.g., in a line diagram. All tables supplied should be of sufficient quality for printing by direct reproduction following an appropriate size of reduction.

  9. Figure legends should be typed on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the manuscript.

  10. Unless specifically requested, no undertaking is given that manuscripts or illustrations will be returned. Such material is normally discarded one month after publication.

  11. On acceptance of a manuscript for publication, it is understood that author(s) is/are willing to transfer the copyright to the publisher.

  12. All acronyms should be translated in full into English: Authors should be aware of the worldwide readership of the journal. Authors are encouraged to approach their chosen topic with an international perspective.

  13. Principal author of the paper will receive 8 complimentary offprints of the paper on publication, and one copy of the journal.

  14. Neither the editor nor the publisher can accept any responsibility for opinions expressed in the SRELS Journal of Information Management.

  15. The journal will be published quarterly.

  16. Size: 1/4 Crown (250mm × 185mm).

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