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Splint International Journal Of Professionals
Year : 2020, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 2349-6045. Online ISSN : 0000-0000.

Management of environmental problems and sustainable development : An indian perspective

Dr. Modi Satish

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, IGN Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India

Online published on 1 March, 2021.


Currently all countries of the world are affected by environmental problems and facing serious environmental challenges. Global warming, ozone layer, environmental pollution, climatic change and numerous other phenomena have made globalization of environmental problems. India is also facing serious environmental problems due to various unplanned developmental activities over the last few decades. The important problems in India are growth of population, Industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, Land degradation and soil erosion, excess use of chemical and pesticides, poverty and downfall of human moral values. In India during the last few decades, various regulatory and promotional measures have been taken by the government for management of the environment. These include, among others, the creation of various laws, formation of several institutions at various levels, conservation of forest and wild life, formation of several committees. Although wide measures have been taken by the government for management of the environment, yet due to the unplanned developmental activities the environmental problems still remains a challenge for the country. Development and Environment has inverse relation. Developmental activities are always associated with environmental degradation. The development model followed in India so far does not confirm to the parameter of sustainable development because of materialistic thought there is heavy exploitation of natural resource. Hence today development is to be made along with preventing environment for future generation. We need to use natural resources like trustee not like owner, as we have to handover it to our future generation. Natural resources are not totally renewable and a serious as well as planned framework for sustainable development can help in their protection. Thus, the purpose of this research paper is to examine the environmental problems of India and their management towards achieving sustainable development without environmental damage.



Environment, Problems, Management, Development.


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