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Aim & Scope

The aim & scope of the journals is to promote research and educational activities for the encouragement of scholars to develop their knowledge, to publish their analysis oriented scientific researches in international journals, the task of organizing workshops, seminars, conferences, training, personality development programs and allied services. One of the several other objectives of these journals is to sharpen the research skills of the budding researchers and to provide a platform for the academies unseasoned but promising scholars, industry personnel?s and any individual who can offer innovative and novel ideas to the society for its betterment. It is the vision of the founders of CDL Institutions, that the theoretical and academic attainments and new creative ideas should have a bearing on the life and economy of a nation which can be best achieved by joining heads & hands with the industry and policy makers of the Government. On this way, the journals aim for the whole global society to reap the dividend which is a product of the best minds of the world. These journals of CDL Institutions will unquestionably become the mouth-piece of the dark horses and unacknowledged scholars whose endowed and commendable contributions shall be provided an outlet keeping in mind the greater good of the larger society of the world.

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