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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year : 2015, Volume : 36, Issue : 2
First page : ( 188) Last page : ( 193)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070. Online ISSN : 2249-5231.

Efficient utilization of interspaces of aonla (Emblica officinalis G.) orchard through intercropping under rainfed condition

Kumar Sunil*, Shukla A. K., Singh H. V.

ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi-284 003, India

*Corresponding author e-mail: sunilhort66@yahoo.co.in

Online published on 29 January, 2016.


An experiment was conducted to utilize interspaces of 13 years old established aonla plantation with pearl millet + cowpea combinations to optimize forage and fruit production. The aonla growth and fruit production was not influenced with intercropping of pearl millet + cowpea (2: 2 ratios) under rainfed condition and produced fruit yield of 13.65 t/ha in the month of December. Pearl millet (multicut) + cowpea in association with tree produced 14.4 and 30.4 t green fodder and crude protein (265.74 and 556.4 kg/ha) in 1st and 2nd year, respectively. But pearl millet (multicut) + cowpea without tree produced 12.7 and 28.4 t/ha green fodder and 239.5 and 494.7 kg/ha crude protein, respectively. However, single cut pearl millet + cowpea with and without tree produced green fodder (11.1, 27.1 and 8.3, 27.0 t/ha) and crude protein (226.7, 530.8 and 171.3, 471.0 kg/ha) during 1st and 2nd year, respectively. Higher net profit of Rs. 95, 000 and 94, 570 was received from pearl millet (multicut) + cowpea in association with tree in 1st and 2nd year, respectively which were higher than sole tree (Rs. 73, 000 and 56, 090) and sole crop of pearl millet single cut + cowpea (Rs. 2, 625 and 17, 625) and pearl millet (multicut) + cowpea (Rs. 6, 900 and 18, 760) in 1st and 2nd year, respectively. The positive soil nutrient build up was also noticed when fodder crop was intercropped with aonla tree. Higher fungi population (3.64 cfu x105 per gram) of rhizosphere soil was recorded in pearl millet (multicut) intercropped with cowpea and lowest fungal population 3.12 x 105 cfu per gram rhizosphere soil was recorded where aonla was grown exclusively.



Agri-horti system, Aonla, Cowpea, Intercropping, Pearl millet.


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