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Range Management and Agroforestry
Year 2015, Volume-36, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0971-2070
Online ISSN : 2249-5231

Table of contents

Landscape ecological analysis of woodland changes in a mountain landscape in South Korea
Young-joo Kim, Keun-Ho Kim

Effects of salinity and drought on early seedling growth and survival of Artemisia herbaalba
M. Louhaichi, C. Tarasoff, H. AI-Homsh, S. Hassan, S. Ates, T. G. Pypker

Relationships between fertilizer application and nutritional values of plants in natural pastures
Ufuk Karadavut, Senol Yildiz, Kaoan Kokten, Adil Bakoglu

Evaluation for growth and yield performance of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill) accessions in hot arid region of Bikaner, India
M. L. Soni, N. D. Yadava, Suresh Kumar, M. M. Roy

RAPD and ISSR markers for molecular characterization of Grewia optiva: an important fodder tree of north western Himalayas
Archana Verma, N. B. Singh, N.V. Saresh, Punit Choudhary, M. Sankanur, Gaurav Aggarwal, Jai Pal Sharma

Genetic variability for seed ageing and longevity among the forage sorghum cultivars
N. Kannababu, I. K. Das, B. Prabhakar, C. Aruna, A. Annapurna, A. Dhandapani, J. V. Patil

Performance of different grain legumes and pasture grasses under agri-silvi-pastoral system in arid tropics of India
K. C. Sharma

Effect of cutting management on seed yield and quality attributes of tetraploid berseem
Prahlad Singh Yadav, D. Vijay, D. R. Malaviya

Nutrients digestion, fermentation, gas production and partition factor of Sehima nervosum-tree foliage diets in sheep and goat inoculums
Sultan Singh, A. Gupta, B. B. Singh

Biological effects of gamma irradiation in oat (Avena sativa L.)
M. H. Basha, A. K. Mehta, V. K. Gour, Satish Kachare

Predicting potential distribution of plant species by modeling techniques in southern rangelands of Golestan, Iran
Mohammad Ali Zarechahouki, Javad Esfanjani

Chemical composition and in sacco digestibility of Indian and Japanese barnyard millet stovers
R. K. Khulbe, Ripusudan Kumar, Salej Sood, P.K. Agrawal, J. C. Bhatt

Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of NB hybrid + berseem intercropping system under semi-arid conditions
Pradeep Behari, J. B. Singh, R. K. Agrawal

Effect of physical and chemical scarification and ageing on hardseededness in Clitoria ternatea
R. P. Nagar, S. S. Meena

Influence of Dill (Anethum sowa roxb.) straw powder inclusion on in-vitro gas production and wheat straw fermentation by mixed rumen micro-organism
M. K. Tripath, Oeepika Chaturvedi, R. C. Jakhmola, S. A. Karim

Population dynamics of aphids and their natural enemies on lucerne in western Maharashtra
A. B. Tambe, J. R. Kadam

Social vulnerability of alpine transhumance pastoralists of western Arunachal Pradesh to climate change
Sanjit Maiti, Sujeet Kumar Jha, Sanchita Garai, Arindam Nag, A. K. Bera, S. M. Deb, R. C. Upadhayay

Identification of dissemination pathways followed by perennial fodder crop growing farmers of sugarcane belt of Karnataka
B. V. Rajanikath, Nagaratna Biradar, Vinod Kumar, Surekha Sankangouder, S. D. Kalolgi

Short Communications

Identification and characterization of a novel sorghum genotype with unique floral morphology-Six stamens and two gynoecia
D. C. Joshi, R. V. Kumar, Sultan Singh, N. Manjunatha

Weed dynamics in fodder oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes
D. R. Palsaniya, T. Kiran Kumar, G. Prabhu, A. K. Dixit, A. K. Rai, Sunil Kumar


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