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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2014, Volume : 7, Issue : 9
First page : ( 1029) Last page : ( 1033)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.

Association of Thrombocytopenia with Severity of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria: A Study in Chhattisgarh

Gajendra Pragya1,*, Mitra Mitashree2

1UGC-RGNF JRF, School of Studies in Anthropology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) India

2Professor, School of Studies in Anthropology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: pragya.genetics@gmail.com

Online published on 22 October, 2014.



Malaria is still very common problem in world population. It is caused 225 million new cases in each year. Particularly Plasmodium falciparum malaria contributed to the high mortality and morbidity of death rate in developing countries (WHO, 2010). India shows 15,000 deaths by malaria in each year (WHO, 2008). Hematological changes, which are the most common complication, play a major role in malaria disease. These changes involve in red blood cells, leukocytes and hemostasis.

Present study aimed to determine the association of platelet alternations in patients with different severity of P. falciparum malaria disease.

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted in two highly affected zones of Chhattisgarh viz. Ambagarh-Chowki Primary Health Center in Rajnandgaon district and Holi Cross Hospital, Kunkuri in Jashpur district. Total 210 patients were included in the study. Plasmodium vivax malaria diagnosed patients were excluded from the study. The patients who were clinically suspicious of P. falciparum malaria and confirmed by peripheral blood film (PBF) examination or by card test or both were included in the study. 3-5ml venous blood from 210 P. falciparum malaria was collected into EDTA filled tubes (with the help of technician) with the individual informed consent of the patients. Tubes were transported in icebox within 24 hours to the Human Genomics Laboratory of School of Studies in Anthropology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur for further laboratory analysis. The Cell Counts were performed using ERMA INC fully automatic blood cell counter 210.


Mean age of 210 P. falciparum malaria male and female patients were 35.05±1.53 years and 31.48±1.5 years respectively. The normal platelet count was noted only in 22.85% cases. The mean platelet count was 177.81x103/μl (SD) in individuals with mild malaria (with a range of 2980 X103/μl to 14900 X103/μl) whereas it is 8894.94 x103/μl (SD) in individuals with severe malaria and 8494.21 x103/μl (SD) in individuals with cerebral malaria. Findings of our study showed the negative correlation (r = -0.99, p = 0.0285) between platelet count and severity of malaria.


Thrombocytopenia is very common in P. falciparum malaria cases. Its presence in patients, who had acute febrile illness in the tropics, increases the probability of malaria. It can be used as an additional aid for the clinical assessment of this disease.



Plasmodium falciparum malaria (PfM), Thrombocytopenia, Parasitemia, Hemoglobin (Hb), White Blood Cell Count (WBC), Chhattisgarh (C.G.).


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