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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year 2014, Volume-7, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618
Online ISSN : 0974-360X

Table of contents

Research Articles

Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems of Ivabradine Hydrochloride
T.S. Vaseeha Banu, K.V. Sandhya, K.N. Jayaveera

Production and Cross Linking Studies of Dextran from Leuconostoc Mesenteroides MTCC10508 for Biopolymer Preparation
V. Mohanasrinivasan, Taniya Ghosal, J.B. Thaslim, Hurmat Jahan Zeba, E. Selvarajan, V. Suganthi, C. Subathra Devi

Formulation and In-vitro Evaluation of Oro Dispersible Tablet using phenylephrine Hydrochloride as model drug
M. Arul Revathi, V. Felix Joe, Tupili Eunice Swetha

Pharmacognostic Studies and Evaluation of Antidiabetic activity of Crotalaria verrucosa
M. Sandeep Kumar, G Varun, P Swetha, K Uday Sasi Kiran

A Stability Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Assay (HPLC) for the Determination of Terbinafine Hydrochloride in Bulk Drug Substance
Hamsa Kassem, Mohamed Amer Almardini, Heba Ghazal

Formulation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Cefixime Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System
Gaddam Rajendra Prasad, S. Indira, Nalini Shastri, Mamidi Sadanandam

Formulation and Evaluation of Carisoprodol Topical Gel
Suresh Karudumpala, G. Sangeeetha, K. Gnana Praksh, G. Harikrishna, G. Balaji, K. Anudeep

Management of Diabetes Mellitus with Combined Therapy of Reducdyn and Metformin in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats
T. Nwauche Kelechi, C. Monago Comfort, Onwuka Frank

Green Chemical Route for Process Development of Atenolol Intermediate
Dr. Nandini R. Pai, Swapnali Suhas Patil

Formulation and Evaluation of Extended Release Ocular Inserts prepared from Synthetic and Natural Biodegradable -Biocompatible Polymers
K Girish Pai, M. Sreenivasa Reddy

Studies in Prospective Process Validation of Fluconazole Tablet Dosage Form
Prafulla M. Sable, Gambhirsinh Chudasama, Charmi K Patel, Vidya Sabale

Prevalence of Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, Marasmic Kwashiorkor and Age wise Distribution of Malnourished Tribal Children of Town Dhadgaon, District-Nandurbar of Maharashtra State, India
Sangeeta Pingale, Prof. Dr. V.W. Patil, Mukesh Hire, Anita Katkade

Preparation and Solid State Characterization of Paclitaxel Cocrystals
B.S. Muddukrishna, Krishnamurthy Bhat, Gautham G. Shenoy

Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Mucuna Pruriens Against Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Wister Rats
C. Hari Kumar, Dr. A. Ramesh, Dr. G. Krishna Mohan

Review Articles

Pharmaceutical Process Validation: A Key Requirement for Quality Attribute
Sukhada Kulkarni, Amrita Panda, Ravi Tiwari

Hesperidin-A short Review
Durgadevi Nardarajah

Application of Nanotechnology in Dentistry
B. Ssneha

Diabetes Mellitus: Present status and Drug therapy Updates
M. Sujatha Kumari, M. Kiran Babu, Md. Rehana Sulthana, M. Srinivas, Ch. Prasanthi

Agmatine-Mechanism of Action on the Body
Indhulekha Vimalakshan

Salivary Enzymes as Biomarkers for Periodontitis – An Update
Ruchika Agarwal, T. Lakshmi

Ocimum Sanctum in Dental Care -A Mini Review
Saftarasmi, T. Lakshmi

The Scene of Banned Drugs in India
Sunita Panchawat, Nupoor Sharma

Nutraceuticals: A Review on current status
Namdeo Shinde, Bhaskar Bangar, Sunil Deshmukh, Pratik Kumbhar

V. Jagadish

Bioremediation of tannery chromium: A microbial approach
Ashish Kumar Gupta, Deepak Ganjewala, Navodit Goel, Namrata Khurana, Saradindu Ghosh, Abhishek Saxena


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