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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year 2013, Volume-6, Issue-4 (April)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618
Online ISSN : 0974-360X

Table of contents

Review Articles

Simplified Informative Study on Nanoemulsion
H. Sujitha, P. Anup Reddy, S. Pavani

Biological, pharmaceutical and analytical considerations of Caco-2 Monolayer
Bhavesh K. Machhar, Dr. Ragin Shah, Bhavin Bhimani, Dr. Upendra Patel, Dhiren Daslaniya, Ghanshyam Patel

Nose to Brain Drug Delivery System: A Review
P.R. Modi, G.V. Patel, D.J. Daslaniya, U.L. Patel, B.V. Bhimani

Research Articles

Evaluation of antioxidant and wound healing activity of the leaves of bridelia airyshawii spreng.
Yogesh M. Bagad, Mayur R. Bhurat, Anil U. Tatiya, Sanjay J. Surana, Shashikant D. Barhate

Formulation and evaluation of compression coated tablets for controlled release of cefadroxil monohydrate
Mahantesh P. Paruti, Vijaykumar V. Alange, Srinivas Mutalik, Akram A. Naikawadi, Raghavendra V. Kulkarni

IR Quantification of Alverine Citrate in Bulk and Oral Dosage Form
N. Oval, A. Jerad Suresh, V. Niraimathi

Spectrophotometric Estimation of Faropenem in bulk and in Pharmaceutical Formulations
D. Jyothsna, Dr. K. Vanitha Prakash, Anusha Dacha, Sabahath Ameena, Shaik Riaz

Preliminary Evaluation of Remusatia vivipara tubers Mucilage as Gelling Agent
M. R. Bhurat, S. D. Barhate

Rational Use of Drugs in Acute Pharyngitis
Dr. Dhananjay Sangale, Dr. Rahul A. Jadhav, Dr Bhaupatil D. Darade, Mrs. Anjali N. Sanap

Formulation and Evaluation of Diclofenac sodium Organogel
Bhagyashree Purohit, Naveen Gupta, Shailesh Jain

Effect of Annona squamosa, Bacopa monneri and Baliospermum montanum alcoholic extracts on bacterial enzymes in 1, 2-dimethyl hydrazine induced Colon Cancer in rats.
Vinut S. Nandagaon, Dr. A.R. Kulkarni

Evaluation of Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Different Extracts from the Leaves of Aegle marmelos L.
Kaniz Fatima Urmi, Md. Ashraf Uddin Chowdhury, Farhana Diba, Khandaker Ashfaqur Rahman, Md. Razibul Habib, Kaiser Hamid

Development and Validation of Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Risperidone in pure and Pharmaceutical Formulation using MBTH reagent
Mrs. Sheeja Velayudhan Kutty, S. Greeshma, P.M. Vidhya, Mr. D. K. Sunith

Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Release Sodium Alginate Microbeads of Carvedilol
Thulasi V. Menon, C.I. Sajeeth

Detail anatomical study of Aponogeton natans (Linn.) Engl. & Krause. An important folklore medicine
Sujit Dash, Sunil Kumar Kanungo, Subas Chandra Dinda

Antibacterial studies of Catharanthus roseus of Jazan province against the selected bacterial strains
Mohammed M. Safhi, Maksood Ali, S.M. Sivakumar, Aamena Jabeen, Y.N. Manohara

Development and Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Buccal Tablet of Simvastatin
Ashish Jayant Saraf, Sudhir Pange, Satyajit Deshmukh, Rahul Hajgude

Comparative structural and proximate values of five different cultivated strains of Pleurotus ostreatus
Arun Kumar Dutta, Prakash Pradhan, Sayani Chatterjee, Tulika Roy, Snigdha Paul, Riti Saha, Jui Sarkar, Krishnendu Acharya

Process Validation of Escitalopram oxalate 5 mg Tablet
Priyanka Upadhyay, Rupesh Pandey, R.K. Pothal

Formulation Development and Evaluation of Sublingual Tablet of Risperidone
Naimish A. Sarkhejiya, Krupraj K. Khachar, Vipul P. Patel

Direct shoots regeneration from explant surface in Euphorbia hirta L.
M.S. Shekhawat

Preliminary Phytochemical Studies and Antimicrobial Activity of the Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of Dichapetalum madascariense, Poir, Family Dichapetalaceae
Chinedu Fredrick Anowi, A.U. Emezie, Calistus Nwakile, Ifanyi Alex Chukwu


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