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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year 2011, Volume-4, Issue-3 (March)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618
Online ISSN : 0974-360X

Table of contents

Review Articles

Solid Dispersions: A Review
S Punitha, G Srinivasa Reddy, T Srikrishna, M Lakshman Kumar

A Review on Herbal Diuretics
N. Sirisha, M. Sreenivasulu, K. Sangeeta, G. Swarna Latha, A. Lakshmi Devi, C. Madhusudhana Chetty

A Review: Nasal Drug Delivery System
Nirav S Sheth, Rajan B Mistry

Carriers used for the development of solid dispersion for poorly watersoluble drugs
Tapan Kumar Giri, Saumya Mishra, Dulal Krishna Tripathi

Organoselenium as a Cancer Chemopreventive Agent against Carcinogenesis.
D. Saha, D. Mridha, S. Mondal, M. Jana, S. Kayal

Vaccine: An Ultimate Way of Immunization
Vaibhav Dagaji Aher, Subham Banerjee, Kamal K. Mahaur

Research Articles

Synthesis and Evaluation of Schiff's Bases and Their Azetidinone Derivatives for its Antibacterial Activity
M. Vijayabaskaran, M. Senthilraja, G. Babu, P. Sajeer

Formulation and Evaluation of Dispersible Tablets of Sudarshan, Vyswanara and Panchasakar Churnas
Mettu Srikanth Reddy, Mallikarjun Setty

Bioadhesive Microbeads of Ketoprofen for Controlled and Site Specific Delivery
R. Sivakumar, N. Narayanan, N.N. Rajendran

Derivative and Absorption Factor Spectrophotometric Estimation of Montelukast Sodium and Levocetirizine Dihydrochloride from Pharmaceutical Formulations
Vishnu P. Choudhari, Anamika N. Kale, Satish A. Polshettiwar, Abhijit S. Sutar, Dhaval M. Patel, Bhanudas S. Kuchekar

Formulation and Evaluation of Silymarin Floating Drug Delivery System
D. Vinay Kumar, S. Palanichamy, G. Kumara Swamy, U. Ashok Kumar

Simultaneous Estimation of Ramipril, Aspirin and Atorvastatin Calcium by Classical Least Squares Regression in Capsule Dosage Form
A.S.K. Sankar, T. Vetrichelvan, D. Venkappaya, D. Nagavalli, O. Divya

Comparative Evaluation of Microbiological Quality of Triphala Churna Marketed In Yavatmal District of India
Sanjay K. Bais, Anil V. Chandewar, R.L. Bakal

Colon Targeted Drug Delivery System of Prednisolone by Press Coating Technique: Effect of Different Grades of Hydroxyethylcellulose in Coat.
R.J. Garala, S.V. Shirolkar, A.D. Deshpande, A.D. Kulkarni

Antihelmintic Activity of Methanol Extract of Gamma Irradiated and Unirradiated Citrus medica Fruit Bio-Mass
S.L. Munne, D.V. Parwate, V.N. Ingle, M.A. Kamble

Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Fluoro-Pyrazole Derivatives for Antiinflammatory Activity.
Sahu Sudeep, Dey Tathagata, Khaidem Somila, Y. Jyothi

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic Estimation of Rupatadine Fumerate
M. Shaiba, K. Devi, R. Prashanthi, K. Raghavi, M. Sindhura

Compatibility Study of Aceclofenac and Tablet Disintegrants by Thermal and Nonthermal Methods
Monica R.P. Rao, Devidas G. Bachhav, Ramdas B. Rode, Komal R. Nikam, Namrata D. Pathade

Simultaneous Estimation of Telmisartan and Amlodipine in Tablet Dosage Form by RP-HPLC
S. Angayer Kanchana, Dr. Ajithadas Aruna, V. Niraimathi, A. Jerad Suresh

Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Aerial Part of Plant Ammannia baccifera Linn.
Srimanta Kumar Das, A.S Dhake, A. Nayak, N.B. Das, S.N. Pandeya

Analytical Method Development, Validation studies of a Fluoroquinolone chemotherapeutic antibiotic and its Characterization studies
M. Mallikarjuna Gouda, Somashekar Shyale, Putta Rajesh Kumar, S.M. Shanta Kumar

Visible Spectrophotometric Estimation of Emtricitabine in Pharmaceutical Formulations
P. Janaki Pathi, P. Raveendra Reddy, N. Appala Raju

Evaluation of the Wound-Healing Activity of Methanolic Extract of Cleome viscosa Linn.
S. Emmanuel, M. Sheeba Rani, M. Raja Sreekanth

Visible Spectrophotometric Estimation of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate in Pharmaceutical Formulations
P. Janaki Pathi, P. Raveendra Reddy, N. Appala Raju

Validation of New Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Fluvoxamine as Maleate in Pharmaceutical Formulations
Medikondu Kishore, A. Koteswarao, M. Janardhan

Formulation and Evaluation of Valsartan Fast Dissolving Tablets
A. Pavan Kumar, J. Satyanaryana, V. Sai Kishore, T.E. Gopala Krishna Murthy

Bioavailability Enhancement of Curcumin through Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery System
L. Latheeshjlal, Sunil Murala, J. Vaidya Mehul, G. Swetha, Phanitejaswini Swapna

Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Estimation of Aceclofenac and Tizanidine Hydrochloride in Combined Tablet Dosage Form
Aishwarya R. Balap, Anuja S. Khidse, Deepshikha V. Prasad, Shailaja B. Jadhav, Pramod L. Ingale, Praveen D. Chaudhari

Detection of Free Radicals Using GC/MS Trapped By Proxyl Derivatives
Sai Krishna Putta, Bala Krishna Talupula

Study on Anti-Solar Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Flower of Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis Linn
A. Nevade Sidram, Sachin G. Lokapure, N.V. Kalyane

Antifungal Activity of Some Rare Himalayan Bryophytes
Rachana Mishra, D. L. Verma

Principal Antioxidative Flavonoids from Rosmarinus officinalis Grown in the Hills of Central Himalaya
Rachana Mishra, D. L. Verma

Phyto-Physico Chemical Evaluation and Anti Microbial Activity of Morus alba Linn
A. Sethuramani, P. Devi, Edward Jaslin, R. Meera, B. Kameswari

Taxonomic Studies on Lentinus tuberregium (GQ292711) Tamil Nadu, India
J. Manjunathan, M. Kumar, V. Kaviyarasan


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