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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 4, Issue : 11
First page : ( 1772) Last page : ( 1776)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.

Wound Healing Activity of Root Extracts of Commelina benghalensis Linn.

Sambrekar S.N.1,*, Patil P.A.2, Patil Suhas A3

1Dept of Pharmacology, Maratha Mandal's College of Pharmacy, Belgaum, India

2Dept of Pharmacology, K.L.E's Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore. India

3Dept of Pharmacognosy, Maratha Mandal's College of Pharmacy, Belgaum, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: sumney_anita@rediffmail.com


Since the time immemorial, our traditional system of medicine and folklore claiming that medicinal plants as a whole or their parts are being used in all types of diseases. Natural remedies from medicinal plants are considered to be effective and safe alternative treatment for wounds. Alcoholic and aqueous extract of roots of Commelina benghalensis (Commelinaceae) was evaluated for wound healing activity by using different types of wound healing models such as excision wound, incision wound and dead space wound. The results were obtained in terms of wound contraction, epithelialization time and tensile strength. All results were significant for different parameters in wound healing activity in alcoholic and aqueous extract treated animals compared with control group.



Commelina benghalensis Linn, wound healing activity, alcoholic extract, aqueous extract.


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