Preparation and Evaluation of Inclusion Complexes Using Cyclodextrins and Its Derivatives Sarode S. M.1,*, Mittal M.1, Sharma P.1, Shrivastava B.1, Gajare G.K.2, Vidyasagar G.3 1School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jagatpura, Jaipur 2Bhagwan College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad 3Veerayatan Institute of Pharmacy, Bhuj, Gujarat *Corresponding author:
Abstract Domperidone is a widely used antiemetic, poorly water soluble drug, erratically absorbed in stomach and possess several dissolution related problems thus it has poor bioavailability. Solubility of a drug plays a very important role in dissolution and hence absorption of drug which ultimately affects its bioavailability. Hence, by considering the facts related to drug, attempts have been made to formulate inclusion complexes using various derivative of cyclodextrins. Inclusion complexes were prepared using methylated betacyclodextrin and hydroxy propyl betacyclodextrin in 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratios. Kneading, ultrasonification and physical mixture method were used for preparation of inclusion complexes. The solubility and dissolution results revealed that there was an increase in solubility and dissolution of all inclusion complexes as compared to pure drug but was highest in case of methylated betacyclodextrin in 1:1 molar ratio using ultrasonification method(USM1) and with hydroxypropyl betacyclodextrin in 1:2 molar ratio using ultrasonification method (USHP2). Top Keywords Cyclodextrins, inclusion complex. Top |