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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year 2009, Volume-2, Issue-4 (October–December)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618
Online ISSN : 0974-360X

Table of contents

Review Articles

PAT: A New Weapon for Pharmaceutical Industry
Mitesh D Phale

Future of Cancer Therapy-COX-2 Inhibitors: A Review
S. Bhasker, G. Sandeep, YS Ranganath

Significance of Stability Studies on Degradation Product
Poonam Kushwaha

Oligomeric Proanthocyanidines: Grape Seed Extract
RK Mohamed Mutahar, BM Dinesh, Vinod Kumar

Nasal Absorption of Drugs – Barriers and Solutions
MH Dehghan, Varsha M Gaikwad, Baby Dandge

Isotachophoresis: A Technique of Electrophoresis for the Separation of Charged Particles
Shobhit Shrivastava, Ashish Jain, Sushil Mhaske, Satish Nayak

Quality Education in Pharmacy: Need of 21st Century
Bharti D Shewale, Pravin O Patil, Satish B Kosalge, Ravindra A Fursule, Nidhi P Sapkal

Buccal Drug Delivery System – An Overview
M Alagusundaram, C Madhusudhana Chetty, K Umasankari, P Anitha, K Gnanprakash, D Dhachinamoorthi

An Overview on Designing of Multilayered Matrix Tablets
Bendgude Namdeo, Poddar Sushilkumar

Natural Anticonvulsants: A Review
Surendra Nath Pandeya, Rajeev Kumar, Ashish Kumar Pathak

Research Articles

Preparation and Evaluation of Microspheres of Rifabutin using Eudragit Polymers
A B Nighute, S B Bhise

Formulation, Characterization and in vitro Evaluation of Methotrexate Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
Jameel Ahmed Mulla, Sarasija Suresh, Imtiyaz Ahmed Khazi

Mitochondrial Anti-Oxidant Enzymes Caused by Cigarette Smoke in Experimental Wistar Rat
Adesh Upadhyay, Arun Mishra, Sachin Chaudhury, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay

Simultaneous RP-HPLC Method for Estimation of Metformin Hydrochloride and Fenofibrate in Synthetic Mixture
Lata Kothapalli, Shivaji Mare, Veeren Dewoolkar, Anupam Banerjee, Asha Thomas, RK Nanda, AD Deshpande

Effect of Casting Solvent on Permeability of Antihypertensive Drugs through Cellulose Acetate Films
N Narasimharao, P Srinivasa Babu, V Sai Kishore, TE Gopala Krishna Murthy

Reverse Phase -High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for the Analysis of Paracetamol
Abhishek K Jain, C. P. Jain, Anshu Sharma

Natural Gums as Matrix and Coating Material for Colon Specific Drug Delivery
HK Kunjwani, AM Manikrao, KS Rajesh, VP Sable, NH Indurwade

Preparation and In-Vitro Characterization of Diclofenac Sodium Niosomes for Ocular Use
D Karthikeyan, VP Pandey

Antimicrobial Evaluation of Lipid Extract of Pongamia pinnata Leaves
R Sumathi, S. Pavni, T. Sivakumar

Formulation and Evaluation of the Suspending Properties of Leucaena latisiliqua Gum on Acetaminophen Suspension
V Senthil, R Suresh Kumar, D Nagasamy Venkatesh, GNK Ganesh, N Jawahar, MK Samanta

Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Estimation of Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in Tablet Formulations
GB Choudhari, NV Kalyane, SR Karjagi, YB Zambare

Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Clopidogrel Bisulphite In Pharmaceutical Formulation
M Padmalatha, K Vanitha Prakash

Estimation of Diltiazem Hydrochloride from Tablet Formulation Using Spectrophotometric Methods
Ravindra Nagasuri, Indrajeet Singhvi, Sujit Pillai

Development, In vitro Evaluation and Method selection for Preparation of Mucoadhesive Microcapsule for Oral delivery of Famotidine
Nayak Bhabani Shankar, Ghosh Sunil Kumar, Nayak Udaya Kumar, Patro K. Balakrishna, Patro K. Tripati Balaji

Phyto-Physico Chemical Investigation, Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activities of Pollianthes tuberosa Linn
J Ramamoorthy, S Venkataraman, R Meera, N Chidambaranathan, P Devi Devisree

Simultaneous Estimation of Montelukast Sodium and Levocetirizine Hydrochloride from Tablet Dosage Form
ASK Sankar, GN Baskar, D Nagavalli, K Anandakumar, T Vetrichelvan

A Validated High Performance Thin Layer Chromatographic Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Nebivolol Hydrochloride and Valsartan in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
Shradhanjali M Singh, Kirti S Topagi, Mrinalini C Damle

A Validated RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Ramipril and Valsartan in Pharmaceutical Formulation
Shradhanjali M Singh, Kirti S Topagi, Mrinalini C Damle

Formulation Development of Tramadol Hydrochloride Rapiddisintegrating Tablets Using Simplex Lattice Design
Vinit B Ekshinge, Kevin C Garala

Design and Characterization of Extended Release Ranolazine Matrix Tablet
DL Bawankar, SV Deshmane, SM More, MA Channawar, AV Chandewar, J. Shreekanth

Preparation and In vitro Evaluation of Buccoadhesive Tablets of Carvedilol Using Dried Mucilage Powder of Aegle marmelose
Bipul Nath, LK Nath, PY Kumar

Development and Quantification 0f HPTLC Method for the Estimation of Kutkin in Picrorrhiza kurroa
M.P. Jadhao, KP Bhusari, BK Shrikhande, JM Ghormade, VN Shrikhande

Development of Colon Targeted Delivery of Ketoprofen Using Natural Gums as Carrier
Deshkar Sanjeevani, Talole Kranti, Shirsat Ajinath, Bhalerao Aparna, Shirolkar Satish Padm, DY Patil

Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Antimicrobial activity and Nutritional Analysis of Methanol Extract of Asparagus racemosus (Willd) Roots
N. Raaman, S. Selvarajan, D. Balakrishnan1, G. Balamurugan

Difference Spectroscopy Validated Method Development for Ciprofloxacin in Tablet by UV-Spectrophotometer
P Kumar, M Chaudhary, V Juyal

Isolation, Purification, Partial Characterization and Antibacterial Activities of Compound Produced By Some Actinomycetes from Sedimented Waters
R Sumathi, A Saravana Kumar, R Rajeswari, S Pavani

Anti-Diabetic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Leaves of Pavonia zeylanica in Rats
D Hepcy Kalarani, P Venkatesh, A Dinakar

Preparation of Acyclovir Loaded Non ionic Surfactant Vesicles (Niosomes) Using Reverse Phase Evaporation Technique
Wafa Mossa Ramadan, Ajay Pal Singh

Azithromycin Recrystallized Agglomerates with Hydrophilic Polymers and Surfactant by Neutralization Technique
AV Yadav, VB Yadav

Venlafaxine Extended Release Tablets: A Chitosan Based Once a Day Technology
Mitesh Nagar, AV Yadav

Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Drug Delivery System of Cefpodoxime Proxetil
DN Pathan, NH Shaikh, RT Thube, KS Bhise, SA Polshettiwar

Phytochemical Screening of Crude Bark extracts of Tecoma stans Linn. (Bignoniaceae).
C. Das, A. Mohanty, S. Dash, D.C. Sahoo, N.S.K. Choudhury, V.J. Patro, S.K. Kanungo

Colon Specific Drug Delivery System of Mesalamine for Eradication of Ulcerative Colitis
S. Sudarshan, S. Sangeeta, NR Sheth, P. Roshan, YV Ushir, R. Gendle

Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Chloroacetyl Derivatives of Some Schiff's Bases
P Muthumani, R Meera, Pratesh, N Chidambaranathan, P Devi, B Kameswari

Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Some New Pyrimidine Derivatives
Ramesh B., Babitha S.

Formulation and Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Buccal Films of Losartan Potassium
YB Ubarhande, T Regupathy, C Vijaya, SV Deshmane

Protective effect of green tea extract on chemically induced testicular damage in rats
Leena Patil, R Balaraman

Antiparkinsonian Effect of Cassia tora on Oxotremorine Induced Parkinson Methodology
CP Suryawanshi, VR Patil, RY Chaudhari, MK Kale, SD Firake, RB Pimprikar, MD Patil, SB Yeshwante, DS Saindanem

Synthesis of Some New Bioactive Chalcones and Flavones
SS Mokle, MA Sayyed, AY Vibhute, SV Khansole, YS Nalwar, YB Vibhute

Studies on Antibacterial, Anthelmintic and Larvicidal Efficacy of Pothos scandens L
KS Vinayaka, TR Prashith Kekuda, N Rajkumar, Chandrashekar MB, Shivakumar Banakar, Shruti V Hegde

Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressant and Analgesic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Drypetes roxburghii Wall in Experimental Animal Model
SJ Sudharshan, A Chinmaya, NC Valleesha, TR Prashith Kekuda, AN Rajeshwara, Murthuza Syed

Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Studies of Memecylon umbellatum Burm Roots in Experimental Animals
SG Killedar, HN More

Effect of Concentration of Gellan Gum and Calcium Chloride Solution on Entrapment Efficiency and Drug Release from Calcium Gellan Beads.
SV Patil, PD Lade, BU Janugade, SA Babar, YB Ghewade

Design and Dissolution Study of Colon Specific Drug Delivery System of Tinidazole
Mukund G Tawar, PD Chaudhari

Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Flemingia strobilifera linn. Fabaceae
Mohd. Tauqeer A, Itankar PR

Short Communications

Anti inflammatory activity of Folklore: Pithecellobium dulce Benth
M. Sugumaran, T. Vetrichelvan, S. Darlin Quine

Formulation and Evaluation of Diuretic Herbal Liquid Syrup from Hemidesmus indicus
VM Waghulkar

Aging of Honey Enhances Its Antibacterial Activity
Disha M Dhabarde, HV Shahare, SS Gedam, PK Bhoyar, RO Ganjiwale

Direct Spectrophotometeric Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride in Pure Form and in Pharmaceutical Formulations
PM Patil, MA Phanse, VL Gaikwad, PD Chaudhari

Gas Chromatographic Ethanol Determination in Bhunimbadi Kwath
JY Nehete, VV Shewale, VN Deshmukh, MR Narkhede

A Simple and Precise Method for the Estimation of Simvastatin in Formulations by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
D Hepcy Kalarani, P Venkatesh, K Ravindra Reddy, A Dinakar

Spectrophotometric Determination of Quetiapine Fumarate in Bulk and Dosage Form
R Xavier Arulappa, M Sundarapandian, S Venkataraman, M Boopathi, Manish Kauraw

Comparative Studies of Release of Ambroxol Hydrochloride from It's Gum Based Matrices
Maushumi Kulkarni, Kiran Bhise, Rashmi Tambe, Aney Joice, Parvez Shaikh


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