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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2023, Volume : 16, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1828) Last page : ( 1832)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00300

In vitro Assessment of the antidiabetic activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts from the aerial parts of Ajuga orientalis L.

Althaher Arwa R.*

Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman11733, Jordan

*Corresponding Author E-mail: a.althaher@zuj.edu.jo, a.althaher@outlook.com

Online Published on 13 October, 2023.


Ajuga orientalis L. is a member of the Lamiaceae family. Many biological properties of A. orientalis, such as antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities, have been documented. The current study aims to assess the in vitro antidiabetic efficacy of aerial parts A. orientalis extracts through digestive enzymes inhibition assay (α-amylase and α-glucosidase), which are responsible for the digestion of poly and oligosaccharides. Acarbose, aqueous, and ethanolic extracts of A. orientalis were utilized in various concentrations (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500μg/ml). The absorbance values for the enzymes α-amylase and α-glucosidase at 540nm and 400nm, respectively, were measured using a spectrophotometer. Both extracts demonstrated significant inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the ethanolic extract showed more inhibitory activity than the aqueous extract. In conclusion, A. orientalis extracts exhibited in vitro antidiabetic activity.



Ajuga, Lamiaceae, Antihyperglycemic Agent, Alpha-Glucosidases, Alpha-Amylases.


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