Quick-identification of total phenolic and flavonoid content of Mangifera foetida, lagerstroemia speciosa and Impatiens balsamina gathered from riau, Sumatera Sianipar Erlia Anggrainy, Sanjayadi, Lin Beatrice, Chiara Monika Arvia, Nurcahyanti Agustina D R* Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia *Corresponding Author E-mail: adr.nurcahyanti@atmajaya.ac.id
Online Published on 13 June, 2022. Abstract Introduction Variance in a species and climate conditions often impact the phytochemical content and pharmacological properties of many medicinal plants. In this study, we used simple and quick methods to determine the total phenolic and flavonoid contents in ethanol extracts from three species of medicinal plants from Riau, Sumatera. Results obtained were then compared to existing literature. Materials and Methods Several parts of plant were used, namely Mangifera foetida bark (MB), pericarp (MP), leaves (ML), Lagerstreomia speciosa bark (LB), flower (LFlo), leaves (LL), fruit (LFru), and Impatiens balsamina leaves (IL), root (IR), and flower (IFlo). Total phenolic content was estimated using Folin-Ciocalteau method, while flavonoid content was measured using common colorimetric method. Results and Discussion Results obtained in this study indicate that LL has the highest flavonoid content (22.116 ± 0.409 mg QE/g) while MB contains the highest phenolic content (24.642 ± 11.087 mg GAE/g) amongst the different samples used in this study. Conclusion When compared to existing literatures, results presented here indicate that plants from Riau, Sumatera are potential sources of pharmacologic ingredients as indicated by the presence of high flavonoid and phenolic content. Further pharmacological study on specific mechanisms of action from active substances isolated from LL, MB, and IL is required. Top Keywords Mangifera foetida, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Impatiens balsamina, Phenolic content, Flavonoid content, Sumatera. Top |