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Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2021, Volume : 14, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1928) Last page : ( 1932)
Print ISSN : 0974-3618. Online ISSN : 0974-360X.
Article DOI : 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00341

New spectrophotometric procedure for assaying ceftriaxone

Tawfeeq Assaf H.1*, Qassim Bushra B.2

1Ph D.. Student, Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq

2Prof. Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq

*Corresponding Author E-mail: assaf.hameed@gmail.com

Online published on 3 June, 2021.


A newly, simple and precise Spectrophotometric methods were improved for the determination of Ceftriaxone (XONE) in pure and pharmaceutical formulations which Involved the reaction of FeCl3/(FeNO3)3 with (XONE) to yield a dark-blue greenish dissolved composite which has maximum absorbance at 780nm. This process was sensitive, precise and accurate where the limit of detection was (0.08μg/ml) and the RSD% was 0.65% and Recovery was 95%. Various chemical and physical conditions that affected the reaction have been elaborate. The calibration curve was straight within the concentration range 0.5–12μg/mL. Stability constant, Molar absorptivity and Sandell's sensitivity were (5.1x109, 121 and 0.0045) respectively The design procedure was appropriate efficiently for the estimate of XONE and the results possess were favorably comparison with those addicted by a reference method of British Pharmacopeia, and there was no important difference between the obtained results, regarding accuracy and precision at the 95% confidence level.



Ceftriaxone, Spectrophotometric detection, Oxidation reduction reaction, FeCl3, Green Chemistry.


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