Hydrogels- A Potent Carter in Wound Healing Singh D.*, Daharwal S. J., Rawat M. Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University. Raipur (C.G.) *Corresponding Author E-mail: deependraiop@gmail.com
Abstract Hydrogels represent an ideal candidate for variety of applications due to its unique intermediate behavior between solid and liquid materials. Hydrogels have received significant attention over the past few decades because of their exceptional promise in biomedical application. The multidisciplinary advances in hydrogel technologies have spurred development in management of wound healing and tissue engineering. The objective of this article is to review the fundamentals and recent advances in hydrogel including classification and method of preparation. The application of hydrogels in drug delivery, wound management, tissue engineering is separately discussed. Special emphasis is given on hydrogel dressing, its selection and application in management of variety of wounds. Top Keywords Hydrogel, wound management, tissue engineering, drug delivery, hydrogel dressing. Top | |
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