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Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics
Year 2012, Volume-4, Issue-5 (September–October)
Print ISSN : 0975-4407
Online ISSN : 0000-0000

Table of contents

Research Articles

Helmintholytic Activity of the Methanolic and Aqueous Extract of Seeds of Cleome viscose
Matsyagiri Lenkalapally, Sumathi Cheruku, Shravya Koppula, Sindhuja Sandhi, Narayana Mandapu, N.L Gowri Shankar

Comparative Study between ACE Inhibitors and ARB in hypertensive Patients
B. Meher, T. Satapathy, J. Parida, Dr. A. Maharana

An Analytical Study of Social Determents of Health
H.B. Rathi, K.K. Viswnadham, Masih John

Pharmacoeconomics and Quality of Life Parameters Impact on Drug Treatment
Jatin Patel

Diuretic and laxative activity of ethanolic extract of Mollugo pentaphylla Linn.
S.K. Sahu, D. Das, N.K. Tripathy, H.K. Sundeep Kumar

Evaluation of Diuretic Potential of Drakshasava Prepared by Traditional and Modern Methods in Experimental Albino Rats
Preeti Tiwari, Rakesh K. Patel

Some Observations on Study of F.N.A.C. and Imprint Cytodiagnosis in Lymph Adenopathy
P. Pandey, V.C. Yadav, K.K. Singh, A.K. Bansal, K.L. Azad, Sashi Kala Kashyap, P.K. Shrivastav

Evaluating the Prevention and Management of Accidental Poisoning from Household Chemicals in the Nkwen Area, Bamenda, Cameroon
Emmanuel N. Tufon, Victor N. Ogugua, Marilyn E. Nwa

Cardioprotective activity of Ashwagandharishta on Isoproterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction
Preeti Tiwari, Rakesh K. Patel

Nephroprotective activity of Vigna mungo (Linn.) Hepper on gentamicin-induced renal damage in albino rats
M. Nitin, S. Ifthekar

The Practice of Radiation Protection in Conventional Radiography Department in Four Hospitals in Yaounde, Cameroon
Emmanuel N Tufon, Victor N. Ogugua, Kinyuy F. Lukong

Evaluation of Gastroprotective Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Commicarpus chinensis in Pylorus Ligted Albino Rats
M.A. Halkai, Nitin Mahurkar, M.D. Akhil Ahmed, A.K. Beknal, S.M. Sayeed Ul Hasan, M. Swathi

Hepatoprotective Effect of Ethanolic and Hydro
Pushpendra K. Patel, Jyoti Sahu, Narendra K. Prajapati, B.K. Dubey, A. Alia

Evaluation of anti-obesity activity of Lantana camara var Linn on butter induced Hyperlipidemia in Rats
Rohit Gundamaraju, Diana Vivian Atigari, Mrs. D. S. Helen Sheeba, Dr. Ramesh C.

Extraction and Screening of Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory and Analgesic Activity of Rhynchosia beddomel Leaves
N.B. Sridharamurthy, Dhiman Vinay, R. Yogananda

Review Article

Asthma and Plants used for Asthma-An Overview
Vipul Shah, Vrunda Shah, Dr. D.D. Santani


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