Effect of Acacia catechu and Rotula aquatica on the DNA: Implications for cancer therapy Patil Swati1,*, Naik S R2, Joshi V3, Jolly CI1, Narayanan S4 1Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Principal K M Kundnani College of Pharmacy, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005, India 2Principal, Singhgad's Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kusgaon (BK), Lonavala 3Department of Genetics, BARC, Mumbai 4Orchid Research Laboratories Ltd., 476, Chennai-600119, India *Corresponding Author: Dr. (Ms.) Swati Patil, Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Principal K M Kundnani College of Pharmacy, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005, India. E.mail: s_patil@vsnl.com Tel No: 91-22-25243242
Online published on 20 March, 2013. Abstract Ethnobotanical search has revealed the use of water extracts of bark of Acacia catechu and Rotula aquatica in the treatment of cancer. The aqueous extracts of both above mentioned plants were evaluated for antimitotic activity using the meristamatic cells of Allium cepa roots. The results showed inhibition of prophase stages in cell division. The A.catechu and R. aquatica treated roots of A.cepa were treated with tritiated thymidine. DNA was extracted from these root tips. The total DNA was then counted in a scintillation counter. The results were compared with a positive control Methotrexate, a known anticancer drug. Roots treated with Plain water were used as negative control. The total DNA count from the treated roots and that from Methotrexate treated roots was less than that of Plain water. The extracted DNA was subjected to gel electrophoresis. DNA from roots treated with extracts and from Methotrexate treated roots showed fragmentation where as that from the Plain water was intact. Top Keywords Acacia catechu, Rotula aquatica, Allium cepa, Antimitotic activity, DNA isolation. Top |