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Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Year 2011, Volume-3, Issue-6 (November–December)
Print ISSN : 0975-2331
Online ISSN : 0975-4385

Table of contents

Review Articles

Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Vitex negundo Linn. – A Review
Anand Singh, Manish Devgun, Sumedha Goyat, Kumari Kiran, Kunwar Singh

Calotropis procera (AIT):-A Phytopharmacological Review
Arvind R. Umarkar, Sunilkumar R. Bavaskar, Yogesh M. Bagad, Shashikant D. Barhate, Ranjit Jadhav, Aakash Makwana

Research Articles

Analysis of Crude Drugs Present In the Hepatoprotective Polyherbal Formulation by HPTLC Technique
C. S. Kandasamy, Lohit Ch. Sai, R. Siva Kumar, V. Gopal, Chandini, R. Nair, R. Venkatanarayanan

Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Isolated Compound Quercetin and Alcoholic Extract of Leaves of Mussaenda frondosa Linn.
Suhas A. Patil, V.G. Joshi, S.N. Sambrekar

Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies on Moringa olifera Leaves
Ashish Vaishnav, Anish Chandy, Deenanath Jhade, Sudhish Rai

Preliminary Pharmacognosnostic and Physicochemical Evaluation of Aerial Parts of Ipomoea eriocarpa R.Br.
Rajiv Kukkar, Mona R. Kukkar, Ajay K. Saluja

Antipyretic activity of Ethanolic Extract of Premna corymbosa Rottl. Leaves (Verbenacea)
Sudhish Rai, Ashish Vaishnav, Anish Chandy, Mamta Singh, M.P. Singh

Isolation of Tiliroside from Tribulus terrestris
T. Madhavi, John Soosamma, Raj Bincy, G.H. Urmilla

Evaluation of Ginkgo biloba in Diabetic Nephrotoxicity.
M.K. Kale, M.P. Patil, K.P. Bhusari

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of Crinum augustum Rox. and Crinum asiaticum L.
John Refaat, Mohamed S. Kamel, Mahmoud A. Ramadan, Ahmed A. Ali

In-Vitro Anti Bacterial Activity of Water Extract of Moringa oleifera Leaf Stalk
Sarav A. Desai, Dharmesh Darji, Mehul Makwana

Effect of Phyllanthus niruri Leaf Extract on Antioxidant Activity and UV Induced Chromosomal Aberration in Swiss Albino Mice
Wasim Raja, Sonam Pandey, Sarfaraz Hanfi, R.C. Agrawal


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