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Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Year 2024, Volume-16, Issue-1 (January-March)
Print ISSN : 0975-2331
Online ISSN : 0975-4385

Table of contents RSS Feed

Research Articles

Pharmacognostical standardization of Sida acuta leaves (Malvaceae family)
S. Selvadurai, K. Thirumalai, S. Anbazhagan, P. Shanmugapandiyan

Antimicrobial activity of Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) leaves extracts against food borne pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms
Pallavi Wadibhasme, Vijaya Verma, Nilesh Banarase, Yogesh Pounikar

Effect of cooking methods on total phenolics and antioxidant activity of selected wild edible plants
Tapan Seal, Basundhara Pillai, Kausik Chaudhuri

Physico and phyto-chemical evaluation of seeds and their extracted crude oil’s characteristic of a nutritionally important plant Daucus carota linn
Akhlaq Mustafa, Zaki Ahmad Sidfdiqui, Anas Iqbal Alvi, Gulwaiz Akhter, Ghazala Javed

Design and evaluation of poly herbal mosquito repellent incense sticks
G. Neelamma, Adepu Ramesh, Kishore More, Nimmala Shanthi, Natesh Gunturu

Review Articles

A review on various phytochemical structure significance of Terminalia arjuna
Arjun Singh

A review of the pharmacological effects of Alpinia galanga Linn. and it’s phytoconstituents
Diksha Sharma, Kamal Jeet, Sanjay Kumar

The journey of cyrenaic medicinal plant Silphium: A review
Taranisen Panda, Sarat Kumar Sahu, Master Apollo, Raj Ballav Mohanty

An overview on bioactive phytochemical investigation of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi)
Arjun Singh

Herbal plants: A boon in the treatment of Asthma
Salman D Shaikh, Gorakshanath M Rahane, Akshay B Gakedar, Habeeba S Shaikh

Botanical study of Berberis vulgaris L of family berberidaceae: A review
Diksha Sharma, Kamal Jeet, Sanjay Kumar


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