A review of the pharmacological effects of Alpinia galanga Linn. and it’s phytoconstituents Sharma Diksha1, Jeet Kamal2, Kumar Sanjay3,* 1Department of Pharmacognosy, Career Point University, Hamirpur 2Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Career Point University, Hamirpur 3Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Laureate Institute of Pharmacy, Kathog, Jawalamukhi, Himachal Pradesh *Corresponding Author E-mail: diwansanjay1981@gmail.com
Online published on 17 April, 2024. Abstract Middle class people who live in rural or urban areas often find it difficult to get modern health services, so they more often use traditional medicines obtained from herbal plants that grow around them. From the ancient Vedic era, green plants are being used for their medicinal properties to treat several diseases. Green plants represent a big source of bioactive compounds. Alpinia galanga (Linn.) of Zingiberaceae family is one amongst those medicinally important plants. Alpinia galanga plant is used in medicine and in food preparation. Rhizome extract of Alpinia galanga have high phenolic and flavonoid contents when compared to leaf extract. Because of elevated phenolic and flavonoid content in rhizome extract of Alpinia galanga there is noticeable antimicrobial as well as radical scavenging potential. It is a well-known official drug thought out the country as integrated contribution of nature. It is commonly used for the management of eczema, coryza, bronchitis, otitis interna, gastritis, ulcers, morbilli and cholera, pityriasis versicolor, to clear the mouth, emaciation. The different parts of the plant have various effects like antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiplatelet, antiviral, antidiabetic, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, anti-oxidant effects, hypolipidemic and many others. The current review add significant information about its, pharmacological activities, medicinal properties and phytochemical investigations as a traditional drug to cure for a number of diseases. Every fraction of the plant has valuable properties that can deliver humanity. The complete plant will be broadly investigated for further future prospective. Top Keywords Alpinia Galanga, Zingiberaceae, Flavonoids, Antimicrobial Activity. Top |