A review on Lantana camara with its phytochemical constituents and potential pharmacological activity Patil Utkarsha B.*, Patil Snehal S., Patil Shrutika S., Varne Aarti A., Adnaik Pratibha R. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Anandi Pharmacy College, Kalambe Tarf Kale, Kolhapur *Corresponding Author E-mail: utkarshabpatil8785@gmail.com
Online Published on 30 January, 2024. Abstract Lantana camara is the attractive shrub with blooms belongs to the verbenaceae family. Lantana camara is used as a firewood, mulch, and herbal treatment in various areas. The pharmacological effects of lantana include fungicidal, insecticidal, nematicidal, immunosuppressive, anticancer, and antibacterial properties. The many phytochemicals present in Lantana camara were the main topic of the current review. It also has phytochemicals with pharmacological effects in it. Top Keywords Lantana Camara, Phytochemicals, Antitumor, Immunosuppresant. Top |