Overview of Trachyspermum ammi and its medicinal applications Vharamble Nayan Rajaram*, Patil Sanket Bhaskar, Naik Omkar Sanjay, Miss. Shah Rutuja Anandi College of Pharmacy, Kalambe, Tarf Kale *Corresponding Author E-mail: nayanvharamble2@gmail.com
Online Published on 30 January, 2024. Abstract Trachyspermum ammi (1) Sprague or commonly Ajwain is a herbaceous herb belongs to the family Apiaceae and vastly grown in Egypt iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India as well as European region. In India, it is mostly cultivated in Gujarat and Rajastan. Morphological features the fruit are consisting of two mericarps with bifid slyopod and have five light-coloured ridges. It is avoid in shape and has pungent taste, aromatic odour and is greyish brown in colour. It is 2mm long and 1mm wide in size. The temprature of fruit according to unani literature is hot and dry. The most useful element of ajwain is the little fruit like caraway, which always especially admired in Indian delectable recipes, flavorful baked goods, and snacks. In Ayurvedic meds, it is utilized as a restorative plant for its stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, and tonic properties. The volatile components of essential oils mainly consist of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their oxygenated derivatives such as alcohols, aldehyde, ketones, acids and esters (Suntar et al. 2014). Terpenes having a diverse variety of structures with specific functions constituted the largest amount (71.10%) of essential oils (Zule et al. 2003) Ajwain seeds revealed to possess antiseptic, stimulant, carminative, diuretic, anesthetic,antimicrobial, antiviral, nematicidal, antiulcer, antihypertensive, antitussive, bronchodilatory, antiplatelet and hepatoprotective as well as antihyperlipidemic effects, many of those were remarked by early Persian physicians.Ajwain methanolic extract revealed to exhibit in vivo hepatoprotective activity with 80% defense against an in general deadly dose of paracetamol in pests. The bronchodilatory impact of the decocted concentrate of Ajwain on the asthmatic patients’ airways was inspected in an ensuing examination ponders. According to the outcomes, the concentrate has a reasonably bronchodilatory impact on asthmatic airways assessed to the impact of Theophylline at fixations utilized. Top Keywords Ajwain, Geographical Conditions, Medicinal Activities. Top |