Pharmaceutical and preliminary analytical evaluation of Tutthamruta malahara Saismitha N.1,*, Basaiye Neha1, Nanama Roshan Lal1, Sakhitha K.S.2, Kumar Sanjay3, Srivastava Anupam4 1M.D Scholar, Department of RS & BK, NIA, Deemed to be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Assistant Professor, Department of RS & BK, NIA, Deemed to be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3Professor, Department of RS & BK, NIA, Deemed to be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 4Professor, Head of the Department Department of RS & BK, NIA, Deemed to be University (De Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India *Corresponding Author E-mail:
Online Published on 30 January, 2024. Abstract Malahara is an ointment an unique dosage form used for topical applications and have been introduced quite late as medicine in Ayurvedic System of Medicine. The current study aims to introduce Tutthamruta Malahara, as an easy preparation as explained in Rasatarangini a treatise of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (Ras Shastra avum Bhaishajya kalpna), with special indication in Paama Kushta. The formulation was prepared by adopting fusion method as per the classical reference. Analytical study was carried out to understand quality, purity of the formulation. Dark olive pastel green coloured, homogenous mixture with characteristic smell was obtained. Its refractive Index, spreadability, peroxide value acid values were 1.483, s, 41.01m eq O2/Kg, 0.35mg KOH/ g respectively and rancidity was absent. This study also evaluates the basic quality parameters of Malahara Kalpana. Top Keywords Malahara Kalpana, Siktha Taila, Tuttha, Tutthamrutha malahara, Ayurveda. Top |