Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Year 2023, Volume-15, Issue-3 (July-September)
Print ISSN : 0975-2331
Online ISSN : 0975-4385 Table of contents Research Articles Analytical profiling of saffron (Crocus sativus) using 1H-NMR and FTIR based metabolomics approach and UV-Vis, HPTLC and TLC chromatography fingerprinting Manas Ranjan Sahoo, Ramesh R. Varrier, R Anithakumari, Guruvaurappan Palanichamy, Bala Tirupura H Sundari, Bala Guru Preliminary phytochemical screening and study of In vitro antibacterial activity on H37RV strain using roots of Ziziphus nummularia Bharadhan Bose, Vidhya Vani Kathirvel, Sivakumar Thirumaran, Thamaraikani Ayyanar A study on phytochemical and antioxidant properties of the leaves of Ficus hispida linn. Wasim Raza Ali Khan, Mayur Chaurey, Mansi Gupta Pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical investigation of Clerodendrum thomsoniae leaves Ankita Mulchand Jadhav, Ajaykumar Rikhabchand Surana Pharmacognostical studies on the leaves and stems of Hibiscus hispidissimus Griffith L S Soorya, G Indira, Reshma Omanakuttan Review Articles Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of some indigenous plants: A review P. Manimekalai, S. Ajina, Jesiliya A. Meena Albizia odoratissima: Review on morphology, therapeutic uses, phytochemical study and pharmacological activities Pallavi A. Sonawane, Arshu Patel, Vilas Ghawate A review on medicinal herbs with potential anti-depressant activities Nikita N. Deshmukh, Jugalkishor V. Vyas, Dr. Vivek V. Paithankar, Anjali M. Wankhade A review on Centella asiatica: A potential herbal cure Anjali M. Wankhade, Poonam C. Rahangdale A review on method development of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and its applications Maheshwari Choudhari, Vishal Rasve, Shilpa Khilare, Poonam Ghorpade Brummit, Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) - A common tropical medicinal herb K Mekala, Jagitha K Banu, L Vasundra, V Kanniga A comprehensive review of pharmacognostical, phytochemical and anti-microbial investigation towards Bauhinia tomentosa L. G. Shanthini Nachiar, Sameemabegum Review article on role of artificial intelligence in radiology Shraddha Jain, Sanket Jain, Dr. Sujit Pillai, Rampal Singh Mandloi Top |