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Editorial Board


Dr. Mrs. Monika S. Daharwal


Dr. R. B. Saudagar,
    Principal, R. G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy,

Expert to Editorial

Dr. Vinod Kumar Bhardwaj,
    Lecturer (Associate Professor Scale)
    Dept. of Geography
    BBD Govt. P.G. College,
    Chimanpura (Shahpura),
    Jaipur Rajasthan -303 103

Dr. N. N. Sawant,
    Dept. of Geography
    Smt. Parvati Chowgule College
    Fatorda, Margao,
    Goa- 403 602

Prof. R. D. Doi
    Dept. of Geography,
    Uni. of Rajasthan,
    Jaipur (Rajasthan)

Dr. Wangshi Amen Jamir,
    Assistant Professor,
    Dept. of Geography & Resource Management,
    Nagaland University,
    P.O. Box - 12,
    Mokokchung- 798601, Nagaland

Dr. H. S. Mangat,
    Prof. (Retd.)
    Punjabi University,
    Patiala Punjab

Dr. Rakhi Shukla
    Assistant Professor & Head
    Old Girls Degree College,
    Indore (MP)

Dr. B. C. Kalita
    Professor & Head,
    Dept. of Geography,
    Cotton College, (Panbazar),
    Guwahati, PIN- 781001

Dr. Bhawana Sharma,
    Dept. of Political Science,
    BBD Govt. P.G. College,
    Chimanpura (Shahpura),
    Jaipur Rajasthan -303 103

Dr. Satya Bhan Yadav,
    (Associate Professor Scale),
    Dept. of Economics,
    BSR Govt. Arts College,
    Alwar Rajasthan

Dr. Prabir K. Rath,
    Reader in Geography,
    Govt. College,

Dr. S. K. Singh,
    Reader in Geography,
    D. D. U., Gorkhapur University,
    Govt. College,
    Gorkhapur (UP)

Dr. Vimal Patel,
    D. P. Vipra College,
    Bilaspur. (CG).

Dr. Mrs. Uma Gole,
    Sr. Lecturer,
    School of Studies in Geography,
    Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
    Raipur. 492010 (CG)

Dr. Mohammed Imtiaz Ahmed,
    Assistant Librarian,
    Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.)

Dr. A. K. Pandey.
    School of Studies in Economics,
    Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
    Raipur. 492010 (CG)

Dr. Hareet Kumar Meena,
    Head of Dept.,
    Dept. of History,
    Shri Menash College,
    Jamuaramgarh, Jaipur, Rajasthan

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